As Mr Erdogan noted in his victory speech, “The burden of responsibility on our party is much bigger than before.” It may prove bigger than he wished for.
The tooth, a molar, is bigger than any modern human tooth and is even bigger than the biggest Neanderthal tooth.
Likewise, an increase in income seems to lead to a bigger rise in wine demand in these economies than in the rich world, and so gives a bigger boost to prices.
In theory house prices can rise faster than GDP for a while if citizens decide to devote more of their incomes to housing services (for example, they may prefer a bigger flat to a bigger car).
Think bigger than you currently do, then think even bigger, whether it's a bigger market opportunity or bigger scope.
So, should I be drawing these boxes four times bigger since ints are four times bigger than chars usually?
The so-called Oruanui eruption was the most recent volcanic event to score the maximum 8 on the VEI – 10 times bigger than Tambora, and 100 times bigger than Krakatoa.
Sometimes their parents' lives can seem bigger than life, when of course you're not bigger than life, no one is.
Food accounts for a bigger slice of spending in poor countries than in rich ones, so rising grain and meat prices have a bigger impact on inflation.
Because the nanobricks are so much bigger than the drug molecules - we believe a few hundred times bigger - the molecules get diverted and must travel a longer path.
因为纳米砖比药物分子大很多,我们相信前者是后者的好几百倍,药物的分子被分流,而且必须经过一条更长的途径。 这样就延长的药物的药效。
Under conservative assumptions, the Indian economy would be bigger than the UK's, in market prices, in a decade and bigger than Japan's in two.
British workers are being given bigger job titles rather than bigger salaries as cash-strapped companies try to keep employees happy, according to a newly published survey.
"Italy is a much bigger deal than Greece," she said. "It's a much bigger deal because a lot more countries are exposed to Italian debt than they are Greek debt."
Given India's sheer scale, its economic rise is bigger than any that came before, bar China's, and far bigger than anything that will come after.
It's standard practice that h1 text is bigger than h2, and header text is bigger than paragraph text.
At the end of it Argentina's economy, relative to its population, was a little bigger than France's and much bigger than Italy's.
The total of the premia collected on automobiles is about- is much bigger, like five times bigger, than of the premia they collect on homeowners.
College is much, much more expensive than it used to be," he says. "So when people are wrestling with that cost-benefit equation, the cost part of it has gotten bigger and bigger.
Kevin Carey说:“这是随着时代的变化而变化的,现在读大学的费用比以前要高多了;因此当人们思考读大学的成本和收益比时,读大学的成本变得越来越高,这让他们变得越来越纠结——他们越来越考虑读完大学后他们会得到什么样的收益。”
We find that the human interaction network is one order of magnitude bigger than the Drosophila melanogaster interactome and 3 times bigger than in Caenorhabditis elegans.
So while 8.9 doesn't sound that much bigger than 7.2, it's a much bigger beast. This was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history.
Besides, you can put more filling if you like, and make your own moon cake bigger than those from the store, as people often make bigger cakes at home than the bakeries do.
I'm not saying Korea was bigger than China. All I'm saying is Korea was just bigger than what the map shows...
Then sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometime the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it"s much near to the earth."
Gamers will undoubtedly appreciate the bigger screens so they can experience their favourite and the latest DS titles bigger and in a greater level of detail than ever before.
"It enhances the enjoyment of viewing because you see bigger-than-life people doing bigger-than-life things," Yesalis said in a recent interview.
And He is bigger than any problem you face, bigger than anything that makes you worried or afraid.
Smoking had a bigger impact on mortality than morbidity, whereas obesity had a bigger impact on morbidity than mortality.
Smoking had a bigger impact on mortality than morbidity, whereas obesity had a bigger impact on morbidity than mortality.