What do I do when the third one runs at me with his bike helmet on?
It turns out he'd gone to the garage to get his bike helmet and found two helmets there.
It is important for any bike helmet to have secure adjustable straps that hook together underneath the chin.
The prime minister wearing his bike helmet; the boy wearing his seat belt; both of them stopped for a red light.
I took it very literally, and took my bike helmet, put a little cut over there so that the projector actually fits nicely.
On my desk, alongside a computer, various old sandwich wrappers, some management books, old newspapers and magazines, a grubby sling, a bike helmet and a clutter of pens and papers are lying around.
When you came to visit this summer, bring your bike and your helmet.
According to the new traffic rules, people must wear a helmet when riding an e-bike.
Wearing a helmet when you ride a bike is as important as wearing your seat belt when you ride in a car!
The bike bus has a driver and eleven seats for kids. Each one has a helmet and safety belt.
Mom adjusted her helmet again and got on the bike. She didn't look quite so pale this time.
However, when Boardman switched to a state-of-the-art bike and an aerodynamic helmet, he beat the record by almost 7km.
Here in Canada it is mandatory to wear a bicycle helmet. (only when riding a bike of course).
If you will not wear a helmet, then you do not need to be riding a bike.
According to the report, in order to reduce the risk of head injuries, many people began to wear a bike-helmet, research on helmets that the helmet can indeed reduce the risk of 60% of head injuries.
But experts say there's no need to banish snow-eating along with dodgeball, unchaperoned trick-or-treating and riding a bike without a helmet.
He was fond of riding bikes. He usually rides his bike fast and never wears a helmet.
Recent studies indicate abroad, security from bike-helmet, seems to be too overrated.
He rides his bike in this humble uniform, careening precariously (and without a helmet) through Manhattan's traffic in search of the perfect shot.
Riderss must wear a full face helmet (either fixed or detachable) at all times during the race including liaison stages on the bike.
Riderss must wear a full face helmet (either fixed or detachable) at all times during the race including liaison stages on the bike.