The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid.
The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather than using Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.
In the US, the House of Representatives Science Committee has approved a bill allocating $10 million a year to studying energy-related behaviour.
All these proposed changes were part of a new border-security bill that passed the House of Representatives but died in the Senate last week.
The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady.
Bill went out of the house with the money.
The Senate approved the compromise bill. But the House rejected it.
If this were not enough, the House bill creates regulatory loopholes big enough for bankers to drive their Jaguars through.
After the inevitably bloody fight, any successful Senate bill would then have to be reconciled with whatever final bill the House comes up with.
Another improvement is that the Senate's plan raises money not by soaking the rich through income taxes, as the House bill envisions, but through excise taxes on the most expensive health policies.
Advocates of the bill, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, say it could help create American jobs - lots of them.
Bob Werb, chairman of the Space Frontier Foundation, was blunt in his assessment of the House bill.
He pointed out that many of those who voted against the bill in the House did so because they thought it was not bold enough.
Another is that the House bill includes the "public option", an idea that appeared to die during the summer but which Mrs Pelosi has given fresh life to.
The House bill would require inspections every 6 to 12 months.
Republican House Speaker John Boehner called on the Senate to pass the House bill.
He wants more support for nuclear power and fears the House bill will transfer wealth from the heartland.
Pelosi declined to answer when reporters pressed her about when a bill might reach the House and Senate floors.
The CBO found that the House bill fails to reduce the pace of health-care spending growth.
Three of Indiana’s five House Democrats voted against the bill.
We've still got to get the House bill and the Senate bill to match up before it gets sent to my desk, so we got a little more work to do over the next couple of days.
The charity supported an unsuccessful member's bill in the House of Lords in 2006 which proposed safeguards including a medical assessment by two doctors.
No House Republicans supported the bill when it was first brought to the floor last year.
A bill in the House of Commons would give the neediest old people care in their homes free of charge, if it passes before Parliament is dissolved.
The Senate approved a compromise version of this House bill.
But if that is our goal, the Senate bill, and a House version that passed 412 to 12, seem almost diabolically perverse.
The bill passed the House by a vote of 348 to 79.
The House bill makes it clear that it does not want the systemic-risk regulator to rule on the amounts of pay, only the way incentives are structured.
Twice an omnibus bill passed the House of Representatives under the aegis of its managers, Congressmen from western States in which agricultural interests were dominant.
Twice an omnibus bill passed the House of Representatives under the aegis of its managers, Congressmen from western States in which agricultural interests were dominant.