The binary data and the document name from this object are used to save the document to a local file.
The byte order of the STABs binary data depends on the object file format.
As an add-on product for ClearCase, ClearCase MultiSite provides reliable replication — across geographies — of repositories storing any file system object, whether binary or textual.
In this example, you create an appropriate file object, then write the binary characters with ASCII values from 50 to 69.
You can use the file object to read data, to write data, to append data to a file, and to work with either binary or textual data.
Use of binary large object stream operations, for any file with a versatile, read and write text files can also do so.
As we know Serialization is the process of saving an object in a storage medium (such as a file, or a memory buffer) or to transmit it over a network connection in binary form.
For binary (public) distribution of an object, revealing the implementation details in a header file is probably still too much.
For binary (public) distribution of an object, revealing the implementation details in a header file is probably still too much.