In fact, if you replace XML with SQL and element data with table entry in most data binding articles, you've already got a handle on what SQL data binding is all about.
The WebParam is most commonly used with the RPC style binding but it can also be used to associate a parameter to an element name and namespace with DOCUMENT style binding.
For example, an RPC-literal binding in its SOAP body must refer to the "type" attribute in WSDL: part (BP R2203), and a document binding must go with the "element" attribute (BP R2204).
例如,SOAP主体中的RPC - literal绑定必须引用wsdl:part中的“type”属性(BP r 2203),而Document绑定必须同“element”属性一起使用(BP r 2204)。
For example, an RPC-literal binding in its SOAP body must refer to the "type" attribute in WSDL: part (BP R2203), and a document binding must go with the "element" attribute (BP R2204).
例如,SOAP主体中的RPC - literal绑定必须引用wsdl:part中的“type”属性(BP r 2203),而Document绑定必须同“element”属性一起使用(BP r 2204)。