I didn't feel the urge to binge on anything!
Hungry rats that binge on sugar provoke a surge of dopamine in their brains.
Sure, we can binge on a project, but working too hard for too long results in a hangover of productivity.
Keeping ‘good stuff’ out of reach Parents worry that children will binge on treats, so they often put them out of sight or on a high shelf.
The same forces are at work when you forget to attend an appointment you've been dreading, or binge on cookies before you can reach for the celery.
When Helen suffered from bulimia she used to binge on certain foods and then either exercise take laxatives or make herself vomit in order to get rid of it.
For over the past 10 years Dr Nicole Avena and others have been conducting elegant experiments where they let rats binge on chocolate pellets and then measure changes in their brain and behaviour.
Comparing the young people who drank heavily with those who remained non-drinkers, Tapert's team found that the binge drinkers did worse on thinking and memory tests.
The east Europeans have been on a binge fuelled by foreign investment, the desire for western living standards and the hope that most would soon be able to adopt Europe's single currency, the euro.
Binge drinking was defined, for men, as six or more drinks on one occasion at least once a week and, for women, six or more drinks on one occasion at least once a month.
If you completely cut out foods and drinks that you love, you'll only set yourself up to go on a binge of those items later.
Their ability to go on a sustained eating binge while at the bay is due entirely to another creature: the horseshoe crab. These bizarre animals are among the oldest on Earth.
JUST two years ago Kirstie had one passion in life - binge-drinking. "We'd stand on street corners and wait for other kids to get hold of alcohol," says the college student.
Microsoft went on a hiring binge of security experts, trained all of their developers in secure coding practices and introduced a new set of desktop protections.
On the other hand, the economic dislocation from unwinding a household-debt binge may be less disruptive than restructuring swathes of firms.
Research on rats found that those who consumed large amounts of alcohol had fewer new cells in their brains’ hippocampus region immediately after the binge, and virtually none a month later.
However, too many commentators talk as if Chinese Banks have been on a lending binge for years.
And since Asian households and firms had not previously been on a borrowing binge (South Korea is an exception), they can afford to borrow more.
No one has precise statistics on who is affected by eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia, often marked by severe weight loss, or binge eating, which can lead to obesity.
Yet its wine binge has left it with such a nasty hangover that many investors think it will not be able to stand on its own for long.
Japan Inc went on a global buying binge 20 years ago, snatching up vanity assets such as the Rockefeller Centre and the Pebble Beach golf course before beating a hasty retreat.
Just as bad is the now common practice of “binge drinking,” otherwise known as getting hammered on the weekend.
The speculative binge was abetted by a giant "shadow banking system" in which the Banks relied heavily on short-term debt.
But it does not give specific advice on binge drinking.
Even when my father packed up and left for New Orleans with Flora Gorman, my mother hadn't gone on a cussing binge.
While households and financial firms went on a borrowing binge, non-financial firms stayed fairly sober.
A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructorsend Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City,and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.
A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructorsend Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City,and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.