The photo-degradable and biodegradable plastic films are prepared by using multiple photoactivatior.
The artificial blood vessels are made by coating a biodegradable plastic mesh tube with human or animal muscle cells.
There are biodegradable plastics on the market now, and some retailers actively use it instead of normal plastic bags.
The call went out for greener packaging and new technology was used to answer that call with biodegradable plastic packaging.
He will push the development of the electric car, and non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned from supermarkets from January.
On the positive development of plastic bottle recycling technology, the research and development of biodegradable plastics become the world plastics processing industry hotspot.
Biodegradable plastic-like (polymer) materials are used to form the tissue shape, and a water-based gel delivers the cells to the structure (the gels aren't toxic to the cells).
The type of biodegradable plastic and degradation mechanism were summarized, the present applications in many fields were analysed, and the development of biodegradable plastic was prospected.
The other day, our reporter learned from an enterprise of Chengzhou that they have ingeniously manufactured an environment-friendly biodegradable plastic --- maize plastic which smells of fresh maize.
Denmark's prime minister says that 80% of the food is organic, and the plastic cups are biodegradable.
The artificial blood vessels are made by coating a biodegradable, plastic mesh tube with human or animal muscle cells.
Not only is plastic non-biodegradable, it is also one of the most toxic pollutants in the world and causes damage to the environment, right from its production to its disposal.
Creating plastics that are biodegradable is important, Scheer says, because just 3.5 per cent of polypropylene plastic in the United States gets recycled.
Also, the white trashes, which are plastic bags that are not biodegradable, caused huge pollution in the ground, results in arable land becoming not arable.
Twin screw extruder is one of the important equipment in biodegradable starch plastic processing.
As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time.
As we all known plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time.
Then by 2010, all plastic would be banned, allow only biodegradable products.
The present invention relates to a biodegradable soybean protein plastic and aims at providing a biodegradable material capable of degrading completely and being high temperature resistant.
The recyclable PE plastic membrane used in agriculture will largely become biodegradable and continue to be used everywhere in the rural areas.
PE塑料农膜,可回收的PE 塑料农膜被堂而皇之的成为可降解薄膜,继续在农田里四处使用。
Biodegradable packaging plastic is a kind of green packaging plastic and the biodegradation method is good to deal with waste packaging plastic.
San Francisco last year banned plastic bags outright. Stores can no longer offer plastic bags, but they can offer biodegradable alternatives made from potato-starch or cornstarch.
Like using less plastic shopping bags, not using non-biodegradable disposable cutlery, try to buy more recyclable products, even not buying a car. These are all achievable.
Like using less plastic shopping bags, not using non-biodegradable disposable cutlery, try to buy more recyclable products, even not buying a car. These are all achievable.