Some critics have suggested that the production of corn ethanol uses up more fossil fuel energy than the biofuel energy it eventually produces.
It's interesting how everyone saw the biofuel industry as the answer to our energy problems, but in some ways, biofuels have created new problems.
As a biofuel, ethanol is relatively easy to make, but it has a lower energy density than gasoline and can't be transported through existing pipelines designed for petroleum fuels.
It was thus able to break down long carbohydrate chains to form small, useable molecules while simultaneously removing the oxygen and maintaining the energy content of the biofuel.
The researchers think they have devised a biofuel that has a 40% higher energy density than ethanol, that repels water and that can be made relatively speedily.
Alternative energy experts agree that photosynthesis is a promising avenue for biofuel research.
Adding 48 billion gallons of biofuel would cover the rest of transportation energy.
Since then, a European Union panel has approved new biofuel standards and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations called for more research into the energy source.
The resulting biofuel is not only energy-rich and water repellent but it also has a higher boiling point than ethanol.
Analysts are unsure if the Brazilian achievement can be replicated in Europe - or anywhere else. Sugar takes far less energy to convert to biofuel than almost any product.
The researchers are planning a pilot program for an algae biofuel plant, in the hope of making really green energy.
These and other grasses have been proposed as high-energy alternative feedstocks for biofuel production.
But unlike some other kinds of new energy, biofuel is not clean, since burning it gives out lots of CO2.
Accelerating Biofuel Production to Meet the New Challenges, Yunquan Liu, Chevron Energy Technology Company.
Accelerating Biofuel Production to Meet the New Challenges, Yunquan Liu, Chevron Energy Technology Company.