The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N. "Ding" Darling, a political cartoonist from Des Moines, Iowa, who at that time was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey.
Without any available cohort studies to test exposure over a long period of time, though, they have had to rely on lab studies, which failed to find any clear or reproducible biological effects.
Researchers are exploring the use of such biological tools as stem cells and gene triggers to prevent-and even reverse-the ravages of time.
Multiple social, psychological, and biological factors determine the level of mental health of a person at any point of time.
Thinking in those terms might help you sympathize a bit with your spouse, who feels these time pressures on a biological level.
Plenty of biologists still say it's a mirage because we will never overcome the biological programme whereby cells die after a certain time, or indeed the rigours of wear and tear on the genome.
Lifeloggers, as they're called, record their faces, text, audio, even biological data from sensors on their bodies over a period of time and then share them with the public.
Social jet lag is described as the difference between biological time and external requirements.
The details are sketchy, but research suggests it's a time when we restore vital biological processes and also sort and cement memories.
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule - going to bed and waking up at the same time every day keeps your biological clock in tune.
From the beginning of time, we have been nothing more than a potential biological jigsaw puzzle waiting for assembly.
Their methods de not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.
Let's set aside the fact that biological systems show these all the time for physical traits. (it is a core principle to our understanding of evolution.)
The only proven biological effect of radiation at Chernobyl was an increase in thyroid cancer among those who were children at the time of exposure.
托马斯(Gerry Thomas)指出,切尔诺贝利核扩散可能增加儿童甲状腺癌症发生率的风险性预测,唯一能得到生物学效应证明的只是那些当时直接暴露在核辐射下的儿童。
For those who want their own biological child, and haven't found the right man, now is a good time to be alive.
Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass(the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean,but rather changes in that biomass over time.
Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.
It's the first time new 'biological' medicines have been delivered effectively across the blood-brain-barrier to the brain.
Any time there is a threat of biological or che mical attack, the first thing you hear about is gas masks.
The findings suggest that on the biological level, pregnancy and the early postpartum period "are almost like a down time," Galea says.
The findings suggest that on the biological level, pregnancy and the early postpartum period "are almost like a down time, " Galea says.
The vital importance of the SCN as a biological time setter is a recent discovery, though not a new one.
McGrath puts it this way: "For a long time women have been warned about their ticking biological clocks."
From "the host" galleries out biological could see upstairs of elevator. In order to save time, we first by the edge of the elevator up to the second floor!
Scientists have for the first time created laser light using living biological material: a single human cell and some jellyfish protein.
Leukocyte telomeres shorten over time and may serve as a marker of a person's biological age.
The material content of dreams would be explained by the coincidence of all those memories which, on the night of the dream, complete one of these biological periods for the first or the nth time.
The material content of dreams would be explained by the coincidence of all those memories which, on the night of the dream, complete one of these biological periods for the first or the nth time.