Director Brad Bird shot an action scene involving Tom Cruise swinging from the tallest building in the world — the 164-story Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
The group shot a bird which landed on the other side of a fence, the Iowa Department of Natural Resource said in a press release.
This feather was picked up from the heath, the bird was not shot: we saw its nest in the winter, full of little skeletons.
But one day, people on earth accidentally shot the Magic Bird. And when Emperor Jade heard that the Magic Bird had been killed, he was very very angry.
A great lightning and thunder ensued, and a man with the body of a bird shot dead the leader of the Miao.
Secretary li jumped and shouted with joy like a child and rushed to pick up the shot bird.
Laker fan, I can't deny Bird being the player I would most want to take the last shot of a game seven.
Hunter hit a shot because it only killed a bird, other birds are scared away heard the shots, so a bird does not.
"To do as the others do" is a common mentality, so that one will not court danger as the saying goes: "the bird out of the group will be shot."
Idleness is the Dead Sea, that swallows all virtues. Be active in business, that temptation may miss her aim: the bird that sits, is easily shot.
She felt her heart tremble every time he shot an unsuspecting bird as it was singing in the trees.
Humans have shot down the wrong bird in Way of the Red, a high-flying, acrobatic game of violent swordplay starring an extremely-mobile swordsbird.
Even though I am a die hard Laker fan, I can't deny Bird being the player I would most want to take the last shot of a game seven.
Darren repented having shot the bird.
Darren repented having shot the bird.