Since then, the bird flu virus has spread to birds in countries in Asia, Africa and Europe.
These Numbers show that the deadly bird flu virus is not spreading among people very easily.
Their letter says the man's tissue tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus.
"The bird flu virus is threatening to become endemic in several parts of the country," Domenech said.
Cambodian health officials say a 19-year-old man has been diagnosed with the lethal strain of the bird flu virus.
The fatal H5N1strain of the bird flu virus that can spread to humans has been found among poultry in northern Nigeria.
Officials in Japan have confirmed that the bird flu virus found at a poultry farm is the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease.
The 1918 pandemic virus has the most in common with the H5N1 bird flu virus that is currently taking lives, particularly in Asia.
FAO reminded consumers that avian influenza is not a food-borne disease and that the bird flu virus is killed by the heat of normal cooking.
So if a normal bird flu virus checked into your nose, chances are it would check out before it had a chance to multiply, mutate and do any damage.
H5N1 is the name of a bird flu virus that's commonly found infecting poultry flocks in Southeast Asia, but one that has rarely infected humans.
The World Health Organization says China has agreed to hand over bird flu virus samples that W. H. O. scientists have been requesting since last year.
Indonesian health officials say two women infected with the bird flu virus have died, raising the country's total number of death from the disease to 61.
Indonesian health officials say two women infected with the bird flu virus have died, raising the country's total number of death from the disease to 61.