They uncovered clues to what was going wrong by researching a fascinating subject: how birth order affects not only your personality but also how compatible you are with your mate.
They uncovered clues to what was going wrong by researching a fascinating subject: how birth order affects not only your personality, but also how compatible you are with your mate.
Striving, work ethic is largely shaped even by birth order?
Does birth order really matter in terms of how the kid's going to turn out?
Gender, personality, birth order all moderate the complex, interactive maternal bond.
Birth order within families might affect the child's personality and intelligence, a new study suggests.
Objective To explore the relationship between birth order effect and the risk of child affective disorder.
The study - the largest of its kind - suggests that birth order may play an important role in determining weight.
Hartstein and Hill took a look at the different types of people based on birth order and see how they all fit together.
Only a few birth order affects were both sensible and reliable, and those seemed to be mediated by other variables.
But a new study found that birth order itself had no effect on character, though it may slightly affect intelligence.
In fact, recent studies suggest that a child's place in the family birth order may affect the career she or he chooses.
Researchers found that the results held true even when taking into account difficult temperaments in the children, anxiety by the parents and birth order.
Brain symmetry isn't the whole story, and other researchers have found that additional variables as diverse as genes and birth order can play a role.
Conclusions Individuals at earlier birth orders were at a higher risk of suffering from PACG. There was an evident association of PACG with birth order.
Results There were significant differences in familial history, city or village and the 1st birth order between the early and late onset group (P<0.05).
Birth order, they found, had no effect on personality: first-borns were no more, nor less, likely than their younger sibs to be conscientious, extrovert or neurotic.
Method: Using positive negative blood grouping to detect ABO blood group, and investigating family heredity, birth order, birth month, compared with normal subjects.
The known correlation of high birth order with low SES suggests that selection bias related to SES may be responsible for the association between birth order and NHL.
Positive associations between birth order and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) have been interpreted as an effect of increased likelihood of early-life exposure to infections.
The lead author, Julia M. Rohrer, a graduate student at the University of Leipzig, said that birth order can have an effect - if your older brother bullied you, for example.
Only child college students' cognitive style is different from the non-only-child students. Birth order plays no significant role among non-only children in cognitive style.
Professor Salmon, who reviewed dozens of studies into the effect of birth order for her book The Secret Power of Middle Children, said: 'As children, middles have to wait a lot.
Many factors affected the feeding patterns of the local children, including ethnical groups parents' education, family income, the number of children and their birth order in the family.
Purpose to explore the relationship between birth order and primary liver cancer (PLC), and to estimate the relative importance of environmental and genetic factors in development of PLC.
Here's a list of common birth-order characteristics and some thoughts on the best and worst marital matches for each.
The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.
That first year of gardening, I understood on a deeper level something that I'd always known: to live was also to die, and that the natural order after birth and life would be death.
That was the problem that Jacob had, insisted he be able to control his life to such an extent that he even wanted to change the order of his birth.
That was the problem that Jacob had, insisted he be able to control his life to such an extent that he even wanted to change the order of his birth.