Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir Charles's death, the strange letter, the missing boot and the black bearded man.
It involved a series of black letters presented in the centre of a white screen. Each letter was shown for half a second and followed by a blank screen for two seconds before the next letter appeared.
The letter was publicised in Mr Medvedev’s videoblog, which showed him ominously dressed in black and overlooking the Black Sea coast patrolled by two Russian warships.
While I knew I shouldn't let it, the mailman's morning delivery of another rejection letter for an article I'd submitted to a magazine made me feel like a black cloud of failure hung over my head.
In a letter to a friend, he describes the discovery of la reazione nevo (the black reaction)
Men who were already well toned only saw a slight increase in their attractiveness rating when they wore the white short-sleeved top with a large black letter t printed on the front.
A black clerk met me, read my letter, and told me it was unnecessary to add the letter into my appeal documents.
Legal person can be represented by legal representative, and the Letter of Authority should be signed by black ink pen. (3copies)
So easily, almost showily, Teacher formed the letter with her black pen: clumsily, with our large sharpened pencils, we tried to follow.
"Once in my life I met the Black Man!" said her mother. "This scarlet letter is his mark!"
The Restatement of each field is divided into sections, which are black-letter statements of principles or rules, often with subdivisions.
I beat letter very fast, because I am a computer high hand. Ieven act as black guest.
I beat letter very fast, because I am a computer high hand. Ieven act as black guest.
I beat letter very fast, because I am a computer high hand. I even act as black guest. zz0h %.
Last Friday, a black letter day, he had a car accident. He was looking rather green and feeling blue lately.
Last Friday, a black letter day, he had a car accident. He was looking rather green and feeling blue lately.