That, for me, sums up the seductive intellectual core of computers and computer programming: here is a magic black box.
Witchcraft, also called black magic, is the power or practices of witches.
Not long afterward, the Rolling Stones produced an album entitled "at their Satanic Majesties Request;" their involvement with black magic and Satanism during this period has been documented.
Throughout much of Africa belief in magic and witchcraft is common, and black magic is considered part of everyday life.
In Iowa, two men attempted to break into a man's home after mucking up their faces with a black magic marker.
Interest in Satan, black magic, and things of that sort first started developing among rock musicians in the late 1960's when drug experimentation began to get serious among them.
Voodoo is effective if you believe in black magic; it fails to affect you if you don't.
To be fair, finding the list of documents that contain the keywords is the easy part, while ranking techniques still involve a lot of black magic and secret evaluation formulas.
DEEP brain stimulation has long been psychiatry's black magic: stick electrodes into a region linked to mental illness, deliver rapid pulses of weak current, and voila!
When Spencer later installed a prototype microwave in the kitchen of a Raytheon director, the cook declared it was black magic and handed in her notice.
Witchcraft, also called black magic, is the power or practices of witches. Western people used to believe that witches had supernatural powers.
The gadgets that now pervade young people's lives, iPhones and suchlike, are baffling "black boxes" - pure magic to most people.
Self-defense system: When you encounter bad guys, do not panic, do not be afraid, come up with the magic pen, press the black button.
They believed he practiced black magic and was responsible for missing cats and dogs, and strange sounds at all hours.
Don't yet worry about exactly how things will get accomplished-you should initially treat the design as a bit of a magic black box.
John returned home that is ex-special police anti-drug event enemies with a knife, gun, black magic against his family.
He would school razed to the ground, or turn it into a black magic taught in schools!
Don't yet worry about exactly how things will get accomplished —you should initially treat the design as a bit of a magic black box.
Isis snuck into Osiris' tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic.
Ahriman USES a corpse as a media of the black magic. The explosion of the corpse will cause enormous damage and will infect the target with disease.
A few days later she found herself in the waiting room of a popular witch doctor known as "the Crow," hoping for a little black magic to force her errant boyfriend to return.
Scroll of Black Magic gives spell damage + 30 instead of + 10.
Because Warlocks were the first who managed to get the better of Black Dragons using magic.
In most cases, users don't care if their job is accomplished with hierarchical databases, relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat-file systems, or black magic.
To the late Middle Ages, European magician suffering began, the church is not recognized by any of the techniques are considered to be black magic.
" , attentive mom would have prepared for me, a monstrous vampire mask, a magic hat, and a black robe, Halloween is "I".
Unfortunately Milarepa's mother had a natural tendency to be ill at heart and couldn't forgive the uncle. She wanted revenge and sent Milarepa away to learn black magic.
"Ghost" manipulation of nature using a variety of black magic, harm people's lives.
Scholars can use both basic black and white magic, as well as white and black magic spells specific to the job.
Scholars can use both basic black and white magic, as well as white and black magic spells specific to the job.