Casey told the rescuers he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "friend".
Many animals in danger live there, such as the golden monkey, the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear.
Black bear cubs use trees for defense, whereas brown bears and polar bears, which regularly inhabit treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs.
A New Jersey black bear that walks upright on its two back legs and has become a social media darling has re-emerged and has been captured on video months after its last sighting.
A black bear even can stand up straight and take a few steps on its hind legs.
Its moose had died of old age, days before. But a big, friendly, black bear rolled in the sun.
Tyrion did not like the look of him. He liked the big black bear on his surcoat even less.
The lion king is very anxious, he wanted to grow up quickly, not afraid of a big black bear.
When a woman in Montana was attacked by a black bear, she threw a courgette at it. Photograph: alamy.
One of the most interesting characteristics of bears, including the black bear, is their winter sleep.
However, a black bear monster came out unexpectedly. He concealed the cassock under the shield of the fire.
An Asian black bear has been shot dead after attacking a group of tourists at a bus station in central Japan.
When he fell, a little monkey ran out, the big black bear with a big black bear, kicking, jumping on another.
At that moment a terrible growl was heard and a big black bear came shuffling out of the forest towards them.
I once saw an old white bear attacked by a younger black bear. I was about to jump in and pepper spray the black one.
My daughter and her boyfriend had a hair-raising time hiking in the mountains — they met a black bear with her cub.
The lion king was pleased to let the bear challenge the lion king soldiers easily defeated the Wolf Wolf, black bear.
You are in black bear country. On cycling and walking trails, sing or ring your bell before bends to avoid surprising one.
A black bear picked the wrong yard for a jaunt, running into a territorial tabby who ran the furry beast up a tree-twice.
But many users will be bought the black suffer a loss, the main responsibility by production, the sellers should be black bear.
The fox is the Lion King's most trusted people, who is early bear fox to the lion king to figure out a way to destroy the black bear.
He's after a more revered and rare creature: what the Gitga'at call mooksgm'ol, the spirit bear, a walking contradiction—a white black bear.
So the king called the twenty little monkeys, together with the practice of fighting, and so they do, and invited the big black bear to.
But the day is very slow, and finally one day, the lion king thought, big black bear again powerful, also can't play dozens of small animals?
Like all bears, the black bear is timid, clumsy, and rarely dangerous, but if attacked, most can climb trees and cover ground at great speeds.
Like all bears, the black bear is timid, clumsy, and rarely dangerous, but if attacked, most can climb trees and cover ground at great speeds.