A leatherback may be able to pick up some body heat by basking at the surface; its dark, almost black body color may help it to absorb solar radiation.
The spectral distribution of a black body radiation is described by planck's.
The region is then scanned for black body radiation in a medium infrared waveband.
After kirchhoff's law a black body also emits the maximum possible amount of radiant heat.
To really pop with her black body, I intentionally picked a color and design that would stand out.
Much like their infantry counterparts, scout troopers wear a black body glove covered with white armor.
Temperature of the black body that emits radiation of the same chromaticity as the radiation considered.
HRP-4C was designed to look like an average Japanese woman, although its silver-and-black body recalls a space suit.
HRP- 4c机器人的造型看上去就是一个普通的日本女性,不过其银黑相间的身体会让人想到航天服。
HRP-4C was designed to look like an average Japanese woman, although its silver-and-black body recalls a space suit.
The equilibrium thermal radiation in a curved space-time shows Planco black body spectrum given by coordinate quanties.
With the present lasers, X-ray microscopy can be made using narrow band emission or black body radiation from laser plasmas.
When a black body cools down, at some point it no longer radiates light in the visible spectrum, giving off infrared photons instead.
To introduce the working principle, functions and calibration of continuous temperature measuring device with black body cavity.
This is a video recording of a person made by attaching lights or reflective markers to their joints while they wear a black body suit.
The actual object heat radiation model is established after comparing the actual object heat radiation to the ideal black body radiation.
The expected experimental results in the calibration of our system by black body and satisfied results in industrial measurements have...
The black body furnace can be used as standard device of intercomparison in the lab and on site calibration of infrared temperature instrument.
It is defined as 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiator at the temperature of solidification of platinum.
The calibration with a black body demonstrates that its theory and design are correct and satisfied results have been achieved in the field measuring.
They come in many different colors and patterns, but the most familiar in North America is the seven-spotted ladybug, with its shiny, red-and-black body.
They come in many different colors and patterns, but the most familiar in North America is the seven- spotted ladybug, with its shiny, red-and-black body.
The study is for diffusely emitting, diffusely and specularly reflecting inner wall of tube and its bottom black body surface of a fictitious circle burner.
A black body maintained at a constant temperature is a full radiator at that temperature because the radiation reaching and leaving it must be in equilibrium.
At the time, people are scared silly, patients are black body, the body was bacterial infection of skin, black skin appears to mildew, which is very terrible.
Around a dozen rebels at the western gate could be seen wearing new, black body armour supplied by Qatar and made by well-known Colombian manufacturer Miguel Caballero.
Around a dozen rebels at the western gate could be seen wearing new, black body armour supplied by Qatar and made by well-known Colombian manufacturer Miguel Caballero.