He's a black man, and he passes for his whole life as Jewish, and in doing so his family rejects.
As I pour tea and coffee, an emaciated black man in a filthy sweatshirt shakes my hand warmly and asks me how I'm doing today.
Even without a high-school diploma, a black man can probably find a job if he looks. And some manual jobs, such as plumber or cable technician, pay quite well.
You want a taste of how it feels to be a black man in this country?
Between the ages of 20 and 29, one black man in nine is behind bars.
Even without a high-school diploma, a black man can probably find a job if he looks.
Once in the street, Gates bellowed, “This is what happens to a black man in America.”
And by threatening, of course, he meant he was an educated black man. "— Bill maher."
“We know it’s a struggle, ” says another, “but we women got to stand by the black man.
His best friend these days was Gus, a seventy-year-old black man who lived down the road.
Conrad Zdzierak, a white man, robbed six Banks in Ohio while disguised as a black man.
How many people, after all, remember who was the second black man to play major-league baseball?
He's a black man, and he passes for his whole life as Jewish, and in doing so rejects his family.
Then a handsome young black man asked a pretty blond girl to dance. They were good together—too good.
"Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job" was how the Onion, a satirical newspaper, reported Mr Obama's triumph.
Race was once a bar to the clubs and drawing-rooms of respectable society. Now a black man is in the White House.
An out of breath Sara shows up to the warehouse and tells the gang that she was being followed by a tall black man.
But if it be the Black Man, wilt thou not let me stay a moment, and look at him, with his big book under his arm?
Here was one of history's surprises: most of pre-civil rights white America rooting for a black man against a white boxer.
Sidney Poitier (pictured here with his honorary Oscar in 2002) was the first black man to receive an Oscar for best actor.
It mattered to Americans who claimed that distinction, as proved all too clear in 1908, when Jack Johnson, a black man, won the title.
I watched a campaign organizer match up a young black man who looked to be college age with a white guy about my age to canvas together.
I watched a campaign organizer match up a young black man who looked to be college age with a white guy about my age to canvas together.