A black power key now sits immediately to the right of a smaller eject key on the MBA's keyboard — the round aluminum power button is gone.
Perhaps one day Black people will get some power in cinema without having to do things that are primitive and immature.
As a timepiece, it's comparable to digital watches circa 1978: the screen is usually in a black, juice-conserving state, so to check the time you need to press the power button.
Witchcraft, also called black magic, is the power or practices of witches.
Recruited to deal with a rodent problem - black rats have been seen bolting across the Downing Street lawn - Larry has preferred hanging out in the corridors of power to stalking in the grass.
Because it isn't fermented, green tea has even more antioxidant power than black tea does.
If the black hole eats a star every 30,000 years, that hot plasma could provide enough energy to power the gamma-ray bubbles.
If the black hole eats a star every 30, 000 years, that hot plasma could provide enough energy to power the gamma-ray bubbles.
The high walls of the compound and the warm temperatures had caused the Black Hawk to descend inside its own rotor wash-a hazardous aerodynamic situation known as "settling with power."
Meanwhile, it also expects to lose ground in its initial market, power tools, as Black and Decker expands its number of battery suppliers.
The streets of Black Rock City hustle and bustle with activity as a swarthy unknown by the name of Swearengen arrives seeking wealth and power by any means necessary.
OLED technology USES the most power when displaying white, which is why Samsung chose a black background for the app menus on its Galaxy s phones.
Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner.
Even before greeting anyone in the room, he searches for a power outlet for his small, black computer.
He walks in quickly, a spring in his step. Even before greeting anyone in the room, he searches for a power outlet for his small, black computer.
To sell power tools to construction workers these days, you need Spanish-speakers, he says; to market black hair products, you want African-American staff.
The media and much of the Duke arts faculty had trumpeted the case as an example of how wealthy white men abuse their power over poor black women.
Or had your lights, cable TV or telephone black out-and stay out for days-because an ice storm downed power lines?
After Grybauskaite came to power in 2009, European journalists quickly dubbed her Lithuania's Iron Lady, owing to her steely way with words and her black belt in karate.
Meanwhile, Pixel Qi, a California-based startup, is showing LCD displays that can do double duty as color screens as well as low-power, black-and-white displays.
The narrative voice symbolizes collective power , reflecting the social function of black art .
At the Consumer Electronics show earlier this month, Pixel Qi showed a LCD display that can switch between a full-color video mode and a low-power black-and-white display.
India loses 14 trillion rupees ($314 billion) from tax evasion annually, depriving it of funds for investment in roads, ports, and power, says Arun Kumar, author of The Black Economy in India.
Black start Black start refers to the starting of a power system with its own power sources, without the assistance from external power supplies.
More than 12 hours after the power outage began at about 4 P.M. EDT, most of New York was pitch black and only a few sections of the nation's largest city had electricity.
Witchcraft, also called black magic, is the power or practices of witches. Western people used to believe that witches had supernatural powers.
A value related to the hiding power of a coating. The ratio of reflectance of the coating over black and white backgrounds at equal film thickness.
A graveyard in Spain has become an unlikely front in the fight against global warming, with hundreds of black panels placed on top of mausoleums providing year-round power for homes.
A graveyard in Spain has become an unlikely front in the fight against global warming, with hundreds of black panels placed on top of mausoleums providing year-round power for homes.