Steavens, the young stranger, noticed that something black was tied to the knob of the front door.
The women, black and in their thirties, considered the offer of a stranger emerging out of the blizzard.
Many women look in the mirror after getting up in the morning, a complete stranger will find himself: eyelid edema, there ugly black eye, pale light.
My teacher arranged me homework and asked me to make a bargain with a stranger who looks like a black sheep.
My teacher arranged me homework and asked me to make a bargain with a stranger who looks like a black sheep.
老师给我布置了一个作业,让我和看起来像败家子(ablack sheep)的人讨价还价。
My teacher arranged me homework and asked me to make a bargain with a stranger who looks like a black sheep.
老师给我布置了一个作业,让我和看起来像败家子(ablack sheep)的人讨价还价。