The Ring remains intact on the pedestal with the shards of the axe around it, whispers in the Black tongue is heard.
The water beyond the tongue and the iceberg is black in these images, and contains far less ice.
And most black children came from poor, ill-educated families where English, the main language of instruction, was not their mother tongue.
But it does create tongue neurosis in the public so if it s furry, coated or black, you panic. Don t bother.
That is why his tongue is so far out of his mouth, while Hsie became black in the water.
But it does create tongue neurosis in the public so if its furry, coated or black, you panic. Don t bother.
Mrs. durkin was a bony-faced woman with black, darting eyes and a tongue that was never still .
Use savoury crispy beans accompany to fresh and tender Alaska black cod, which brings your tongue an inexperienced taste.
From 1850 to 1911 in the Qing Dynasty, occurrence rate of tongue coating had changed. Those of white, yellow and compound fur were increased. On the contrary, that of black fur was decreased.
清代1850 - 1911年期间苔色的变化特征为:白苔、黄苔的出现率上升,黑苔的出现率下降,复合苔色的描述增加。
From 1850 to 1911 in the Qing Dynasty, occurrence rate of tongue coating had changed. Those of white, yellow and compound fur were increased. On the contrary, that of black fur was decreased.
清代1850 - 1911年期间苔色的变化特征为:白苔、黄苔的出现率上升,黑苔的出现率下降,复合苔色的描述增加。