He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.
The conversation, the Asahi beer and warm sake in the bar compensated for the bland food on board.
Unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food.
Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food.
Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food.
Shirley: at least, it is better than my boxed lunch at work. I'm so fed up with the bland food. Thank you for having lunch with me!
In the early 20th century, ulcers were thought to be caused by stress and excess stomach acid, and sufferers were told to rest and eat bland food.
In the early 20th century ulcers were thought to be caused by stress and excess stomach acid and sufferers were told to rest and eat bland food.
To many of us, the word "diet" may conjure up images of giving up tasty foods and eating only bland foods, or no food at all-a very dangerous scenario that is ultimately counterproductive.
Researchers also found that people given sweet foods were more likely to help someone in need afterward, compared with people who don't eat anything or people who eat a bland food, MSNBC reported.
Right. The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food, which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts.
The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food, which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts.
But all that clatter may also drown out the taste of your food, making it more bland.
The food tasted rather bland, so he added some spices to pep it up a little.
The author of ‘A Fondness for Food’ even wrote about “the bland , standard UK diet”.
His books are like Japanese food — a mix of the delicate, the deliberately bland and the curiously exotic.
For these patients, usual food flavors taste bland or different, with a few patients losing the sensation of taste altogether.
For the occasional bout of diarrhea, adding some canned pumpkin and probiotics to the food and feeding a bland diet for several meals may be all that is required.
Vegetarian dishes are sometimes bland but the food here has lots of flavour.
Auto-eating may also refer to the kind of eating you do without thinking because the food you're chewing on is so bland, so meek, your taste buds become indifferent to what's passing over them.
"It's really the hardest thing to bear about confinement," she says. "the first thing is that you can't wash." The second thing is that the food is so bland.
A noisy restaurant can distract you from your dinner conversation. But all that clatter may also drown out the taste of your food, making it more bland.
Typically regular tea blends get brewed to taste either too strong or too bland, said Christopher Cole, BA's food and beverage and product change manager.
英航的饮食调配经理克里斯托弗·科尔(Christopher Cole)称,一般的混合型茶叶总是泡得要么太浓、要么太淡。
People tend to think of English food at bland, but, in fact, the pilgrims used many spices, including cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and dried fruit, in sauces for meats.
People tend to think of English food at bland, but, in fact, the pilgrims used many spices, including cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and dried fruit, in sauces for meats.