Smaller CSS means less time spent looking at a blank page.
At this point, you have a blank page with a nice header and footer.
It remained there, staring up from the otherwise blank page for days.
By the time I sit down and face the blank page I am raring to go.
We approached the implementation of the User Stories with a blank page.
Set the IFrame's Name property to a blank page on the host application's domain.
将IF rame的Name属性设置为主机程序域上的空白页面。
What Does it Do? Replaces your chrome default new TAB with a totally blank page.
The blank page you just created will be displayed in the browser window (Figure 15).
Kathy exports the saved "Blank Page" guided activity session and e-mails it to Barb.
Kathy导出存储的“Blank Page”指导活动会话,并使用电子邮件将它发送给Barb。
Examples include broken paragraphs, blank pages, odd page numbering, and spelling errors.
Since the problem has been described at a high level as a blank page, she names this session "Blank Page".
因为该问题可以大致描述为空白页面,所以她将该会话命名为“Blank Page”。
Leaving your visitors staring at a blank page for ages like this is not a good way to keep them on your site!
Writing proved more difficult, primarily because one had to have something to say before confronting the blank page.
Pansy was really a blank page, a pure white surface, successfully kept so; she had neither art, nor guile, nor temper.
Every single day is like a blank page of our life. Every person we meet, every event we participate in is a lively essay.
Notice the other point he makes, that you might very well write something awful, but it is still better than a blank page.
What designers should learn from this trend is that it's not enough to design a blank page, to be stuffed with content later.
And that's how you get from a blank page to a well-crafted personal statement, college essay and--take it from me--even blog post.
Enter the campus account with the password, click on login. After landing will enter the page (if no course will display a blank page)
Kathy looks at the expandable details of the possible action choices and notices that "blank page" is a common symptom for the first choice.
Some sites have more subtle problems: they look ok but as you go further you find that critical form won't submit or leads to a blank page.
While one might wonder why that should take longer than 2 seconds, at least there's a promise of something happening rather than a blank page.
to load a header with a blank page, then load your new page, increasing the time it takes for a user to get to the actual page they want to go to –So
To load a header with a blank page, then load your new page, increasing the time it takes for a user to get to the actual page they want to go to - so.
Original passport or travel document including at least one blank page, and valid for at least one month from the date you intend to leave Canada.
Specifically, it serves a blank page because you haven't yet told it that the recipe controller's index method should respond to iphone-formatted requests.
If you run the above code and use the Task Manager trick again, while navigating between the "leaking" page and a blank page, you won't notice a script leak.
If you run the above code and use the Task Manager trick again, while navigating between the "leaking" page and a blank page, you won't notice a script leak.