The drinkers also seem more blase than ever about the consequences.
He arranged for concerts for her and suddenly blase new York hailed a new star.
Having been very blase about the whole thing, I found the reality absurdly moving.
Chances are that you're blase about your health, your comfortable home, your loving family, and about your job.
Ferguson has criticised the Old Trafford crowd for their blase attitude this season, but he praised them yesterday.
Melinda, 23, sucked up her blase attitude toward sports and watched hours upon hours of hockey with a housemate she wanted to pounce.
You aren't interested in dating or starting your love life over again, and I'll bet you feel kind of tired and blase about everything.
Not long ago an iPhone was the peak of technology, but now nearly everybody has a smartphone and people have become quite blase about them.
I have become blase about various antics that only add up to my disgust, and my disappointment at human nature as well. Captain Smiley: Can you hear me?
The nursing staff seems so blase about the medications, although consumers usually feel that drugs are the most important keys to getting out of the hospital.
Based on the experiment it got the following conclusions: Normal milling can not be applied to turbine blase on site maintaining for its too strong forces and wallop.
The more common method is for crooks to use your smartphone's Wi-Fi connection. They rely on the fact that most of us are blase about the security of the networks we connect to.
So if you have your first experience as a teenager, which is probably not uncommon in America, at least, it could be tremendous unless you are so blase because of what everybody has said.
As blase attitudes to financial stability give way to concern, tax havens make it harder to gain a true picture of where debt and risk lie, for example in hedge funds trading exotic derivatives.
As blase attitudes to financial stability give way to concern, tax havens make it harder to gain a true picture of where debt and risk lie, for example in hedge funds trading exotic derivatives.