It injects the potential for regret into the experience-and it's just possible that a tiny drop of that emotion may bleed into my performance.
Angiography is probably the procedure of choice for patients with sentinel bleed after PD, as it will localize the bleeding point and provide interventional embolization.
For reasons we will discuss later, it may be desirable to charge one reactant to the reactor at the outset and bleed a second reactant in continuously over time.
The easiest and safest method for quick bleeding is to bleed the animal while it is still on the ground.
It also suggests an analytical computational method for projectile base pressure under the condition of base bleed by solid fuel.
The cardiac apex was the best site for MAPrecording, because it was not apt to bleed.
They have a little enzyme that when they are biting down in you it gets released in your blood and generally you bleed for quite a bit - and your health is optimized.
They have a little enzyme that when they are biting down in you it gets released in your blood and generally you bleed for quite a bit - and your health is optimized.