Both are blessed with an uncommon ability to fix things.
We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.
It can make fine visual distinctions because it is blessed with one million cones per square millimeter in its retina.
I have no head for figures, but my sister is blessed with a superb head for figures.
So to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, may you be blessed with peace, prosperity and good health – now and in the year ahead.
Actually, Australians are blessed with a mild climate, and even the coldest Melbourne winter cannot compare to winter in Canada or the United Kingdom.
When I graduated from high school, I was blessed with the opportunity to be the first person in my family to attend college.
So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
After all this hard work, we are blessed with the ability to create a project and have it use our simple template.
If you were not blessed with an inordinate amount of patience, then you need to learn how to become so quickly.
You will be blessed with health and wealth by God, congregants are told, especially if you give generously.
There is the feeling that anyone blessed with success, wealth or fame should bemade to pay the price for it.
How can a people blessed with the privileges of American citizenship not feel grateful for the unique rights and opportunities embodied in the American tradition?
"I have dimples, so thank the Lord I was blessed with something I could use to look like a little beggar," the 26-year-old tells PEOPLE.
There is the feeling that anyone blessed with success, wealth or fame should be made to pay the price for it.
But couples blessed with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.
According to a neuroscience study published today in Current Biology, they’re blessed with a type of brain activity that may essentially block out noise.
Einstein "wasn't blessed with experimental data - it was mostly abstract ideas," he said.
Blessed with some of the largest naturals around and an exotic look, she has a devout following in her native Japan.
London is blessed with plenty of parks and tree-lined streets.
By now you're almost definitely noticing some weight gain unless you're very sick or blessed with a high-speed metabolism.
What advice could you give to the men out there not blessed with Michael Phelps' torso and George Clooney's face?
Obviously, not everyone has been blessed with a happy home - with patient, loving, attentive parents.
What matters is the present moment and enjoying every second of life that we’re blessed with.
The country is also blessed with a strong and dynamic private-business sector.
You are inspiration-packed, wisdom-infused, made with love and blessed with talents.
India is now blessed with a young and growing workforce.
India is now blessed with a young and growing workforce.