Most organizations either use no metrics at all, meaning that they are flying blind, or they overdo it.
With bad numbers, or no numbers, a company is flying blind, and it happens all of the time.
That suggests the helicopter may have been flying in a blind spot for Steve Altman, the pilot of the Piper Lance and one of the brothers aboard.
这显示出直升机当时可能正在私人飞机驾驶员、两兄弟之一的艾特曼(Steve Altman)的盲区中飞行。 观光直升机由总部位于新泽西州的Liberty Tours运营。
Struck blind by a flying stone in the eyes, he is now led by the hand to cross the street.
Due to the existence of radar blind spot, the invasive goals flying at low altitude and very low altitude will bring problems and threats to the defense radar system.
For the first week in my new job I was really flying blind, since I knew nothing about it.
For the first week in my new job I was really flying blind, since I knew nothing about it.