The blindfold (a 15th-century innovation) represents the principle that justice should be blind.
Just as she was about to remove the blindfold for him, the telephone rang and she went to answer it.
When the two finally reached me and we took the blindfold off, father and son hugged each other.
The blindfold was removed and I stood next to her, inches between us, facing a mirror in candlelight.
We want an estimate of the proportion of oil which the blindfold, mill-turning, unbiased critic can squeeze out of you.
They puta blindfold on a horse.
I'd tightrope walk with a blindfold on my eyes.
Again he agreed to her request and she put a blindfold over his eyes.
He assured her he had not, so she removed the blindfold and yelled, "Surprise!"
So if you come across a rattlesnake wearing a blindfold, don't think you're safe.
所以即使你与一条双目失明的毒蛇不期而遇,千万不要认为你是安全的。 (哈利啊哈利你当初是怎么打败蛇怪的呢??)
The movement of social dynamic system is not blindfold , it has its own causes of act.
Pick your partner up for a date and blindfold her before driving to a special destination.
In the future, we can expect a blindfold by trees in the garden visible through the window.
Hans was due to begin formal interrogation. For the first time Eichmann's blindfold was removed.
When he took off the blindfold, he was in the middle of thick woods. By himself. All night long.
Back in the corridor a man arrived and told the guards to untie the prisoner and take his blindfold off.
"But I'm too shy to dance in front of you," she added, "so please wear this blindfold while I dance."
Tom slipped out in good season with his aunt's old tin lantern and a large towel to blindfold it with.
"Well," replied the robber, "you may, however, remember a little of the way that you were led blindfold."
Yet grandmaster games played quickly and under blindfold conditions tend to be of surprisingly high quality.
Entering the massive walled compound freely, without a blindfold on and without fear, was an emotional moment.
Today, my girlfriend decided to strip me naked and blindfold me, then told me I'd get a reward if I caught her.
And after just a few hours with the blindfold removed, the visual cortex again responded only to input from the eyes.
She aims to blindfold hindsight and to recover not just external events but the way people perceived them at the time.
There was some icky couples counseling (" Try a blindfold ") and therapeutic spending on vacations, clothes, furniture.
Turning the lights out or wearing a blindfold while eating could be a quick way to lose weight, according to scientists.
A black blindfold appeared over Phineas Nigellus's clever, dark eyes, causing him to bump into the frame and shriek with pain.
Then my blindfold is removed and I'm face-to-face with a man. He asks me to smile, then blinks a single tear from his eye as I'm wheeled away.
Then my blindfold is removed and I'm face-to-face with a man. He asks me to smile, then blinks a single tear from his eye as I'm wheeled away.