Hope, for Bloch, has its starting point in fear, in uncertainty, and in crisis: it is a creative force that goes hand in hand with utopian "wishful images".
When they succeeded, Mr Lauder bought “Adele Bloch-Bauer I” for a reported $135m.
The goal to raise 12 million dollars, Celebrity Stylist Phillip Bloch took to the floor.
PR manager Andrew Bloch seems to claim taking the picture while on a trek through a rain forest.
These effects are explained by the surface plasmon polariton Bloch modes and self-focusing theory.
Two thirds of the USES of the close method in the JDK itself are implemented incorrectly according to Bloch.
"SUFFERING" was the first word that came to Maria Altmann when she was asked about Aunt Adele Bloch-Bauer.
当人们向玛丽亚·奥特曼(Maria Altmann)问及“姨妈阿黛尔·布洛赫·鲍尔(adele Bloch - Bauer)”一事时,她说的第一句是“身心俱痛”。
Bloch: it's a nod to 16 vintage Hollywood, when the great celebrities, the great 17 starlets, were wearing that look.
From the Hamiltonian of the atomic system, making use of Born-Markoff approximation, the optical Bloch equations are derived.
Based on our transcendence of death in the transmigration of souls, Bloch explained the relation between Utopia and revolution.
By directly regarding the Bloch coordinates of qubit as genes in chromosome, a quantum-inspired evolution algorithm is proposed.
Bloch: no! I did my best not to change the character of the work. I hope it feels like an old friend to readers of the first edition.
In his example, Bloch creates two classes - a Point and a ColorPoint - and tries to create an equals method that works correctly for both.
The narrow bands shows a very sharp peak in the transmission spectra and the corresponding photon Bloch modes are strongly localized.
Jonathan Bloch, of the University of Florida, was one of the researchers who analysed the remains of the snake, the biggest that ever lived.
Having written a seven-volume catalogue of the Bloch collection himself, he believed Bonhams could do without an expensive printed catalogue.
Submitted by Joshua Bloch, an ARM block is a form of the try statement that declares one or more resources which are then limited to that statement.
由JoshuaBloch提交,一个AR M块是try语句的一种形式,声明若干个资源,并且限制在该语句中。
Joshua Bloch calls this failure atomicity: success or failure based on mutability is forever resolved once the object is constructed (see Resources).
Phillip Bloch Celebrity Stylist : Animal skin is a great way to seem 6 luxurious; it's all about 7 affluence. It's, you know, ghetto fab at the most.
Bloch technical utopia practical significance, for Bloch's utopian philosophy, the more important is to find a crisis in Western culture to overcome the road to.
The method of dressed atoms is used to obtain the Babi solution for atoms subjected to a laser field. The result agrees with that obtained from the Bloch equation.
It was verified by experiments and calculations that, in general, VBL in hard bubble walls are not generated by the way that one Bloch line pair is produced per pulse.
For example, a portrait from his golden period of Adele Bloch-Bauer, which is literally decorated with gold leaf and silver, is one of the costliest paintings ever sold.
Bloch said learning that monkeys lived in North America that long ago was a surprising discovery. For a long time, scientists thought that monkeys simply did not exist there.
That is, Bloch did not just stay in the understanding of the crisis, he has to consciously assume the mission of saving humanity, dedicated to awakening the spirit of Utopia.
Maybe the affair, if there was one, was over by then; it certainly must have been by 1912 when Klimt painted "Adele Bloch-Bauer II" which packs none of the first portrait's wallop.
We analyze the band structure of evanescent wave in the CPRW by Bloch theory, and discuss the transmission properties of the CPRW with a finite number of periods by transfer matrix method.
We analyze the band structure of evanescent wave in the CPRW by Bloch theory, and discuss the transmission properties of the CPRW with a finite number of periods by transfer matrix method.