In the meantime, the court threw out the FCC's attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality, while preserving the commissions' power to preempt individual state laws that undermine its order.
Instead, coniferous trees will invade the aspen grove's borders and increasingly block out sunlight needed by the aspens.
John, a fireman, leaped from the roof of an apartment block to save a lovesick woman who had jumped out of her fifth-floor window.
Paging a memory block out and back in from disk is significantly slower than accessing it directly from RAM, so you should generally avoid this practice.
To borrow an image from Jim Butcher (one of my favourite authors), it’s like lifting an engine block out of a car.
Turn off the phones, plug in your headphones (to block out sound), put up a “do not disturb” sign, turn off your email notifiers, maybe put your email in vacation mode.
Biofilm, the researchers think, could serve a dual function: it could help bacterial colonies grow toward resources as a collective swarm, and it might also help block out competing colonies.
In theory, planetary dust could block out UV rays, but the dust was bound up in the creation of those young planets.
This can prevent certain types of attacks, but it may also block out requests for certain legitimate files, such as files with non-English names.
On the flipside, amber and red light can be used to block out blue light to help relieve insomnia and overstimulation.
Unplug the phone and use a white-noise machine, or a fan or an air conditioner, to block out background noise.
To protect your eyes, it is important to wear sunglasses that block out harmful UV light.
Fans and air filters add to the distractions, so some astronauts wear ear plugs to block out the constant hum.
According to a neuroscience study published today in Current Biology, they’re blessed with a type of brain activity that may essentially block out noise.
They help the menu or window stand out from the background by reinforcing its dimensions. They also block out the noise of the content beneath the window by darkening the area around it with a shadow.
Sound sleepers, they found, have specific patterns of activity in the brain that block out distracting signals during their slumber.
Parents need to block out the sound and fury from the media and other parents, find that formula that fits your family best.
Usually, if I think something is going to take 2 hours to complete, I block out about 2.5 total hours.
Ferns can grow in dim lighting conditions, which can be caused when particles churned out by volcanoes block out natural light.
Four cranes block out the skyline, but the foreground is row upon row of boarded-up houses and shuttered storefronts.
Block out any distractions such as TV, mobile phones, emails, visitors and so on.
Chess rounds last a total of 4 minutes, with the players wearing headphones to block out cheers, coaches' advice and the commentator's voice.
Use your window shades or drapes to block out any sunlight, and use fluorescent or lower intensity bulbs or tubes.
So, avoiding sleeping with a night-light, not falling asleep with the bedroom TV on all night long, and perhaps using dark curtains to block out street light might be a good idea.
White noise is helpful to block out ambient noises (particularly prevalent in a big city) — and it's perfectly safe to listen as long as the volume isn't cranked up too loudly.
This can work both ways, either block out time for work, or block out time to deal with social networks if you really have to.
This can work both ways, either block out time for work, or block out time to deal with social networks if you really have to.