Alcoa Inc. has a 6-foot-tall robot spokesperson, Al, who hosted a recent Robot Block Party at the Carnegie Science Center.
美国铝业公司(AlcoaInc.)身高6英尺的机器人发言人Al最近在卡耐基科学中心(Carnegie Science Center)主持了一场机器人街区派对(Robot Block Party).
The event, known as the Ultimate Block Party , featured games like I Spy, mounds of Play-Doh, sidewalk chalk, building blocks, puzzles and more.
So living and working in Northern Virginia. It's most likely in isolation. I mean there's no way to explain a houseful of kids at the neighborhood block party.
After this block party, he became very well-known for his unique style of buying two copies of the same record and using two turntables to extend the breaks in both songs.
"The film industry is an industry that's very difficult to break into," says Yari, who heads Yari film Group, which made the films Crash and Dave Chappelle's Block Party, among others.
The opposition, led by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), threatens to use its upper-house majority to block bills needed to finance next year's budget.
Mr Netanyahu has reinforced this reality by ramming through the Knesset a law that would enable seven members of a large party to secede as a block, and to take their state financing with them.
Nor can Mr Edano count on support from a block of 129 lawmakers, allied to Mr Ozawa, who voted against Mr Kan's appointment as party leader (and hence prime minister) last week.
Earlier this year, David Cameron fulfilled a pledge to pull his Conservative members of the European Parliament out of the European People's Party (EPP), the block to which they formerly belonged.
Block 11 Issued By -enter the printed name, signature, and title of the issuing party and date.
Block 11 Issued By -enter the printed name, signature, and title of the issuing party and date.