We “no follow links” within our blog comments due to abuse by SEO spammy types.
Let's begin by retrieving the information about blog comments from the Atom feed.
For blog comments: Backtype (what people say about you in response to blog posts).
Where the “identity crisis” comes is the persistent and pervasive use of what I consider, spammy handles in blog comments.
All the facebook chatting, twitter tweets or blog comments mean nothing if you don't have GREAT material wrapped from your heart.
Reading the blog comments, I'm reminded that everyone struggles with the same sorts of issues - relationships, meaning, purpose, health and wellness.
Off-blog comments. Similarly, you are representing your blog every time you comment on another blog. What message are you sending when you do so?
The fact that your readers can comment and add relevant content to your site via blog comments is a major breakthrough in the communication process.
OK, so I've been getting RC1-related questions a lot, both via blog comments and directly over email: Will Microsoft open testing sign-ups again when RC1 is released?
The one thing that Boomers are less likely to do in the online world is actually create content - outside of updating their online profiles and leaving blog comments, that is.
Frustration among us environmental groups has been building up for some time, evident in these blog comments last year from Jake Schmidt of the National Resources Defence council.
Frustration among us environmental groups has been building up for some time, evident in these blog comments last year from Jake Schmidt of the National Resources Defence council.