Tan Jihu, a blood donation award recipient, tried to sell his medals for profit, newspaper Beijing Times reported on Saturday.
Sufficient space was allotted for recipient sets, but, in the first model, the wire racks were so close together that the larger type of blood bottle did not fit between the separators.
Methods:The pedicle vascular digital flap was harvested and its distal end was anastomosed with the distal digital artery of recipient finger to repair the defect and restore the distal blood supply.
Other blood vessels of the donor hearts were ligated. The aorta of the donor was anastomosed to the recipient abdominal aorta by end-to side fashion with 11-0 sutures.
用11-0 带线缝合针将供心主动脉与受体腹主动脉、供心肺动脉与受体下腔静脉端侧缝合。
In spite of the immediate vasopressor response and the maintenance of the elevated blood pressure for a certain period of time, the end result was always severe injury to the recipient.
Objective:To explore the reconstruction of severe low limb trauma when there are no usable recipient host blood vessels.
In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.
In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.