Chinese then extended this kind of linked by blood relation.
An exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood and blamable.
An exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood and nearly as blamable.
I sat down in the porch and wept as for a blood relation, desiring Kenneth to get another servant to introduce him to the master.
Kims have around 300 distinct regional origins. The limited pot of names meant that no one was quite sure who was a blood relation.
Attack of the Clones conclusively establishes that these two characters have no blood relation, and thus Obi-Wan's brother is an as yet unexplored character.
Sponsors must be United States citizens or permanent residents. In addition, they must be at least eighteen years old and a blood relation of the person seeking residency.
AIM: To analyze incidence of depressive disorder DD and its relation with lesion location, cerebral blood flow and neurological defect in patients with acute or chronic ischemic stroke.
Objective To explore the relation of overweight or fat and blood lipids with essential hypertension (EH) in Mongolian population.
However, until this study, it was not known whether kidney function in patients with diabetic nephropathy varied with the season in relation to blood pressure.
Objective To discuss the changes of serum sodium in peripheral blood of acute brain vascular disease, the relation between the changes and the serious extent.
Objective: to investigate the regulation action of electroacupuncture (EA) on gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) and its relation to the contents of plasma and gastric mucosal ET in dogs.
The research in the future should focus on how to deal with the relation between cell injury and uptake efficiency of sugar in red blood cells.
Objective: To study the relation between gingival blood flow (GBF), blood current velocity (BCV), blood concentration (BC) in gingival and periodontal diseases.
Objective: to study the relation between of forming time red blood cell aggregation body and structure by changing the thickness of flow channel plane and red blood cell hematocrit.
Objective to explore the relation between blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and driving ability in Chongqing in order to provide scientific evidences for traffic safety legislation.
Objective to study the relation between elderly hypertension ambulatory blood pressure loading and the degree of damages in target organs.
Objective: to explore the relation between false increase of white blood cell count and the changes of erythrocyte membrane lipid in automatic whole blood count.
The current research status mainly include using spectrum in diagnosis of cancer, leukaemia, and the relation between the microelement of blood and the diagnosis of disease.
Objective To discuss the relation between diabetic nephrosis hypertension and blood insulin.
To inquire into the relation between cancer and blood platelet count (BPC).
Objective To research the relation between blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and neurobehavioral function after drinking.
Objective: To study the relation between cataract and zinc in blood and eyeball tissue of the rat.
Objective: To study the distribution of genotype frequency and gene frequency of ABO blood type in different population and the relation between ABO blood type and disease.
Objective to investigate the change of CD95 and CD95L on lymphocyte of peripheral blood in patients with ischemic stroke, and its relation to the disease severity and clinical significance.
目的探讨缺血性脑卒中患者外周血淋巴细胞CD 95和CD 95l表达的动态变化及其与病情严重程度的关系及临床意义。
Objective it is to study the relation of the blood sugar level and clinical sorts after neonatal asphyxia and discuss the clinical significance of monitoring the blood sugar on asphyxia children.
Objective: To explore relation between whole blood transfusion and first recurrence of acute leukemia of children.
Objective To study the relation between the dissection structure of umbilical cord artery and blood flow indices and fetus′ growth.
Objective: To observe the changes of nail fold microcirculation and explore the relation between the allergic purpuric nephritis (APN) in children and blood stasis syndrom.
Objective: To observe the changes of nail fold microcirculation and explore the relation between the allergic purpuric nephritis (APN) in children and blood stasis syndrom.