She declined to reveal the plot of the film, but "Blood Simple" is about a Texas bar owner who hires a private detective to kill his wife and her lover.
Plain and simple, the FDA needs new blood. The agency needs to inject a dose of fresh scientific talent and critical thinking into the drug assessment and approval process.
Lab scientists can reconstruct simple black-and-white images the subject is viewing by analyzing the blood flow in the brain's visual cortex.
Your cholesterol levels are determined through a simple blood test, so you'll need to get your arm tapped for the red stuff.
So-called simple carbohydrates, those found in white bread and cake, are so quickly digested by the body that they trigger a very rapid risein the levels of glucose in the blood.
You can also use this simple technique when you’re going through something stressful, like getting a blood sample drawn.
Since they are quickly digested, simple carbohydrates cause a subsequent spike in blood sugar levels, which has been associated with health problems such as cardiovascular disease.
And it's not Eger Bull's blood or some expensive wine that they are getting but simple table wine, as it's mainly good for their blood cells.
Measuring your waist sounds simple enough.But to make sure you get it right, here are instructions from the NationalHeart Lung and Blood institute.
A simple blood test to show who truly needs an angiogram would help, and 6,000 people have had the gene test since it went on sale last year. It has drawbacks.
A simple blood test to show who truly needs an angiogram would help, and 6,000 people have had the gene test since it went on sale last year.
A simple blood test to show who truly needs an angiogram would help, and 6, 000 people have had the gene test since it went on sale last year.
It's a simple exam: a doctor just measures blood pressure at the ankle and the arm and compares the results.
New research suggests a relatively simple blood test might make it possible to predict who is at a higher risk for developing dementia.
Eventually a simple blood test will lead to accurate "made to measure" treatments that can identify, attack and kill the causes of each patient's own individual cancer, they claim.
A simple blood test for Down's syndrome could provide an alternative to invasive testing in pregnant women.
It's pretty simple — blood pressure is the measurement of the force of the blood against the walls of your blood vessels.
Simple carbohydrates (such as sugar) cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which can lead to health problems.
As a simple illustration, if you have one Blood rune with 5 seconds remaining on the cooldown and you spend the other, you will start or refresh the 10 second buff.
Uniersity of Chicago chemists hae demonstrated for the first time how to use a simple laboratory model consisting of only a few chemical reactions to predict when and where blood clotting will occur.
By doing these simple things, you should pass your blood pressure test with flying colors!
And when combined with carbohydrates, such as a piece of fruit, it helps to sustain our blood sugar levels longer. "She also offered up several simple ideas."
Eating whole grains and fruits like avocados can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and enhance blood flow, offering a simple, tasty way to fire up brain cells.
Refined and simple carbs will spike your blood sugar which is exactly what we don't want.
It was thought that due to their chemical structure simple sugars caused a rapid rise in blood glucose while complex carbohydrates caused a more gradual release of glucose into the blood.
A simple blood test to determine if liver enzyme levels are elevated alerts pediatricians that the child needs to be evaluated for Fatty liver Disease.
A simple blood test to determine if liver enzyme levels are elevated alerts pediatricians that the child needs to be evaluated for Fatty liver Disease.