Over 100 passengers lost their lives in the recent air crash, which was a deadly blow to their families.
Although the domino theory seemed to have been dealt a fatal blow in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has re-emerged, phoenix-like, in the current debate over Afghanistan.
That is not a deadly blow, as the country produces over 6 billion eggs each month, but more recalls may be coming.
"They have the potential to blow all over the world," said Richard Sayre of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis.
“他们有可能被吹到世界任何地方。”圣路易斯唐纳德植物科学中心(the DonaldDanforth Plant Science Center)的理查德·塞尔(richardsayre)说。
One difference is that if we go through the next 91 months without changing course, the climate roulette of runaway warming will not blow over. It will endure.
And while we have been seeing invention after breakthrough over and over in the last couple of decades, this next ten years is going to blow everything else out of the water.
Some analysts say the issue might blow over next Wednesday when Japan must decide whether to formally charge the captain or release him.
The fact that the young Nigerian who tried to blow up an American aircraft over Detroit on Christmas Day had started his venture in Yemen sharpens the West’s dilemma.
Easterly trade winds blow from the Indian Ocean over the African continent, losing much of their moisture as they go.
So each autumn, before wet, cold weather leaks over the mountains, he waits for the humidity to be just right, for the wind to blow just so, and then he burns portions of his 50-acre spread.
RBS has already lost tens of billions of pounds over the last two years and further losses from overseas loans will be a blow to the Treasury and the taxpayer, which owns 84% of the bank.
You'd burn or blow up a lot of your equipment or hand it over to the Iraqis.
It's easy to become worried over the little things: the human mind can blow things way, way out of proportion.
The cellar lay directly underneath the House of Lords, and over the following months 36 barrels of gunpowder were moved in, enough to blow everything and everyone in the vicinity sky high, if ignited.
You're going to blow me to a good lunch. It's the last square meal you're going to have over here - maybe for a long while.
Up to 100 percent of the volatile radioactive Cesium-137 content of the pools could go up in flames and smoke, to blow downwind over large distances.
The whole affair might blow over, much as did the furore surrounding George Bush’s selective steel tariffs (much worse ones than Mr Obama’s on tyres) back in 2002.
If you just blow on this a little, it will swing over, it will start to rotate, whereas this is stable.
In its northward trek over the Arabian Sea, Cyclone Phet gave Oman a glancing blow, cutting across the northeast edge of the country.
So Moses stretched out his staff over Egypt, and the Lord made an east wind blow across the land all that day and all that night.
Page soon got over it, but Facebook's rejection was still a blow to Google; it had never lost a deal this big and this publicly.
The outbreak is a serious blow to HIV prevention efforts. Over the past 15 years, the infection rate has dropped from 2 percent to 0.6 percent.
Lights perched that high can easily blow over, so when the wind picked up, Barisonzi weighted her stands with sand bags and had an assistant spot the higher stand on the left.
The Yemeni branch is better known in the West for one of its leaders, Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-Yemeni cleric involved in an abortive attempt to blow up an aircraft over Detroit in 2009.
基地的也门分支在西方为人所知更多是因为其中一个头目Anwar al-Awlaki,一个也门裔美国神职人员,他涉入了2009年底特律的一桩飞机爆炸未遂案。
The treads on certain Firestone tire models would peel off, causing them to blow out - which could cause certain cars and SUVs like the Ford Explorer to roll over.
Indeed, E-mail is likely to blow away a lot of the other fancy services that mobile operators are hoping to push over their third-generation wireless networks.
事实上,电子邮件很可能将很多移动运营商们期望用来挤倒3 G无线网络的其它价格高昂的服务取代。
So did seeing many of my over-leveraged friends blow up when the dot-com bubble burst.
So did seeing many of my over-leveraged friends blow up when the dot-com bubble burst.