He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blow up a plane.
In 2013, Wu Hongfei, a singer, got into trouble for saying on weibo that she wanted to blow up a building.
On Monday, not far from the National Mall, someone erected a big blow-up of Bush with a Pinocchio nose.
Things suddenly blow up on you, but you'll recover and you'll figure something out, and then you'll move from there.
Wear a scarf in these colours or blow up a few balloons and you show where your loyalties lie.
If world food prices were to fall suddenly, the Kirchners' fiscal conjuring trick might blow up in their faces, setting off a spiral of devaluation and inflation.
That's why it's easy for people to blow up at farm animals (or at small children).
After a terrible fit of despondency he would suddenly become energetic and threaten to blow up the place if they didn't release him.
But the latest blow-up shows that relations between north and south may be explosive for years to come.
Hamas is strong in the West Bank as well as Gaza and could easily blow up any deal it did not like.
That appearance led to three convictions for conspiracy to murder, with the jury unable to decide whether the men had intended to blow up the planes specifically.
Today, I stumbled across another reason why I'd like to blow up online contests that use "vote for me" or popularity to make funding decisions.
Andre Drazen makes a backup plan, and prepares to blow up the electrical substation for the sector that includes the detention facility.
It is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus.
You don’t want them to try to fix something it’s not their job to fix, because they might blow up the place.
Nevertheless, as the industry grows, so does the risk of a blow-up-and more regulatory scrutiny.
IN THE film “Mars Attacks”, bug-eyed aliens blow up the Landmark, a casino-hotel in Las Vegas.
As the crisis has deepened, American bankers have tempered their opposition to the idea of new rules that reduce the chances of another blow-up.
You'd burn or blow up a lot of your equipment or hand it over to the Iraqis.
Officials say two parcels intercepted last week that were addressed to synagogues in Chicago may have been designed to blow up airplanes.
Their canvas residences are often heated, and include such luxuries as sheepskin rugs, blow-up sofas and tea light chandeliers.
I know his name was Guy Fawkes... and I know in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
But when a recession or financial blow-up beckoned, it slashed rates and acted as a lender of last resort.
We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls, and are nice to us when we blow up our computers.
We're still going to blow up ginormous statues of Buddha, though.
Sometimes those experiments will be fun. Other times they'll blow up in your face.
Speaking of play - one thing I've learned in my brief tenure as an artist: it's the side projects that blow up.
Speaking of play - one thing I've learned in my brief tenure as an artist: it's the side projects that blow up.