The marked color contrast between Mars and the bright blue star was easy to discern by eye, but is further enhanced in the picture through the use of a diffusion filter.
The blue specks are Milky Way stars, and the bluish-white haze in the background is light from older star clusters.
Its unusual attributes give rise to the idea that one star was swallowed and transferred its momentum to the other two, which transformed into a blue superstar.
Obscuring dust lanes, young blue star clusters and reddish star forming regions surround a core of yellowish light from an older population of stars.
Brightly lit with new and blue massive stars, star formation appears so rampant in NGC 1313 that it has been labeled a starburst galaxy.
伴随年轻、蓝色的大质量恒星发出的强光,NGC 1313因其中的恒星形成区蔓生而被归为星暴星系。
"Waivin 'Flag" refers to Somalia's banner, a five-pointed white star on a bright blue background.
The spindly arms of the Tarantula nebula surround NGC 2070, a star cluster that contains some of the brightest, most massive stars known, visible in blue on the right.
蜘蛛星云螺旋形的臂展围绕着NGC 2070这个含有一些我们所知最亮、最大的恒星的星团,图中右边蓝色的便是。
The star was David Weinberger, a brilliant 26-year-old PhD student in philosophy, who submitted some jokes out of the blue and won instant praise from Woody.
Material from the large blue companion star is seen being pulled toward the black hole by its powerful gravity.
And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky.
When a blue giant star in the Tarantula region went supernova, seen on the night of February 23, 1987, it captured the attention of astronomers worldwide.
So if you found another star with a pale-blue dot tooling around that yellow star, that blue color and chemical analysis of the planet might give us a strong suggestion of life.
The two orange dots are the cores of the old galaxies. Pink is hydrogen; blue the star-forming regions.
A spindly path of red and blue panels spidered out above nothing but star-studded space and a yawning black hole.
The blue blob on the far right, however, might have been expelled asymmetrically just as a massive star was exploding.
Ionized molecular hydrogen can be seen evaporating from the tips of these star-forming columns of gas and dust, under pressure of ultraviolet light from the nebula's central blue giant stars.
The high-powered beam, installed by engineers for one (Jedi) night only, mimicked the blue lightsabre energy sword wielded by Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars film.
NGC 4697 is beyond this frame above and to the left, but a smaller irregular galaxy NGC 4731a can be seen near the bottom in impressive detail with its own young blue star clusters.
NGC 4697在这帧照片的左上画面之外,而画面底端可见较小的不规则星系ngc 4731a,它自己的年轻蓝色星团细节令人印象深刻。
If a star moves to you, - then all the lines — will be blue-shifted.
Part of the lyrics "Blue and White Porcelain" vocalized by Taiwan pop star Jay Chou were picked out for students to inspect grammar faults earlier this week.
You've seen it rippling in the breeze. It goes by many names: Stars and Stripes, Star-Spangled Banner, Old Glory, or the Red, White, and Blue.
These include an embroidered World Cup winners' star on the inside envelope pocket, the England crest on the Autograph label and a red, white and blue sleeve and pocket lining.
Yesterday's passing, you can also stay in our memories, more blue rain day, month to stay Xingxi, across the star is I promised the most beautiful romantic love.
Similarly to other signature Star Wars ICONS, it seemed natural that the environment (in this case the blue sky) should be a key element to help represent the 2010 Star Wars brand.
The star smiled proudly wearing a yellow tie, blue blazer and grey trousers as two-year-old Harper sat comfortably on his knee in a little blue dress with her hair in a top knot.
The night star raises finger right away, a put on blue flame of blue You of You to appear.
Will we ever see the return of Orange Star, Blue Moon and all those great CO characters, or maybe another entirely new setting?
Will we ever see the return of Orange Star, Blue Moon and all those great CO characters, or maybe another entirely new setting?