We all anthropomorphize pets, looking for a certain spirit in beautiful shepherds, blue-eyed Siamese cats, and fat belly piglets.
I'm an American, a big-nosed, blue-eyed, blond laowai.
"You're awfully queer," returned the little, blue-eyed soldier.
Not every man wants a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Barbie doll on his arm.
Most importantly of all, can two blue-eyed parents really produce a brown-eyed child?
Brother Sharp never wanted to be a "fashion icon" or a blue-eyed boy on the Internet.
“Wenever felt safe, ” Emily, a blue-eyed thirty-one-year-old with dirty-blond hair, said.
One of his favourite spiders, a blue-eyed Saitis barbipes, took an agonising three weeks to get.
拍摄他最喜欢的蓝眼睛蜘蛛,花了他三个星期时间。 拍完照片后,瑞克再把他的跳蛛放回到找到它们的野外。
A blue-eyed triplefin, small as a matchstick, guards its territory with an aggressive pose.
That sense of a lightning-strike returned whenever the camera fixed on him, its blue-eyed boy.
Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow.
Similarly, brown-eyed men showed no preference for either blue-eyed or brown-eyed female models.
Born to a German mother and Afghan father, the blond, blue-eyed Assef towered over the other kids.
The glow to the coat of these blue-eyed wonders is so strong that it is visible even in a darkened barn.
Her heir is Adele, the phenomenally voiced, appealing alternative (if it's blue-eyed soul we're talking about).
It did not look good for me when our son Laszlo came from the womb all blond, blue-eyed and generally un-Jewy.
Hesper turned and stared at the blue-eyed stranger who seemed to have silently just appeared on the sidewalk.
It didn't matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, golden-haired dolly say, "My name is Susie."
It didn't matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, golden-haired dolly say, "My name is Susie."
The blue-eyed spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus wilsoni) is a small possum that was found in 2004 on Indonesian New Guinea.
Now, to this Carrie added a few visits to one or two chorus girls, including the blue-eyed soldier of the golden helmet.
Mommy, I found a blue-eyed cicada! '" he yelled upon the discovery, his mother recalled. "He's been looking for a long time. "
“妈妈,我找到一只蓝眼睛知了”他发现后大喝。 据他的母亲回忆“他已找了很久”
So it has been proposed that blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women as mates because they have some degree of certainty over fatherhood.
Eventually he gave them to me - I was tall, blond and blue-eyed. He said 'I'll give them to your interpreter because I know he is a true Aryan.
最后他还是把报纸给了我 –我是个高个子,金发碧眼,他说他‘看得出’我是个纯血统的雅力安人(而不是犹太人)。
Nicholas Wagner's mother, Maria, said her son learned about the blue-eyed bugs in kindergarten, so he decided to go out and hunt for one himself.
It is not exactly clear when it started, but the number of golden-haired, blue-eyed overseas customers in teahouses has been on a decided upswing.
The baby was a blond blue-eyed boy weighing 3.5 kilos. We held him twice and decided we had better not be with him any more lest we change our minds.
"Nobody 10, 000 years ago had blue eyes," Hawks said. "Why is it that blue-eyed people had a 5% advantage in reproducing compared to non-blue-eyed people?"
The couple's first set of twins arrived in 2001, with blue-eyed, red-haired Lauren taking after her mother while Hayleigh has black skin and hair like her father.
The couple's first set of twins arrived in 2001, with blue-eyed, red-haired Lauren taking after her mother while Hayleigh has black skin and hair like her father.