Red aurora are generated by light emitted at a longer wavelength (0.630 micrometers), and other colors such as blue and purple are also sometimes observed.
For example, if light is coming from up and to the right, we can just combine the red and blue channels.
The ground ABS comes in different colors, including white, black, blue, grey, green, light grey, red, and yellow.
Each pixel on a screen shows a color generated by the interplay of one red, one blue and one green light source that are so close to each other that they cannot be distinguished.
A quantum-dot display would work by arranging quantum dots that emit red, green and blue light in a grid-like pattern, and getting those dots to emit light directly.
RGB is short for Red Green Blue, which are the three primary colors of the system and is produced with light.
Buy nightlights, alarm clocks, and other bedroom electronics that are illuminated with red light, which is less disturbing to melatonin production than white or blue light.
购买发红色光芒的夜光灯、闹钟和其它卧室电子设备,比起白色或蓝色灯源较少干扰n-乙酰- 5 -甲氧基色胺的产生。
Water refracts, or bends, the light, separating it into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet
The thin, nanoscale wedges strongly absorb blue light at the tip and red light at the base.
The white House website is mostly white and light grey with some blue and red accents.
Combining red, green and blue LEDs to produce white light has the potential to be more efficient, and the colour of the light could be tuned depending on mood or taste.
Cavities with mirrors spaced specifically to amplify red, blue and green light are grouped in bunches of three, each of which corresponds to a single dot, or pixel, on the display.
To reproduce a 3d image, the researchers bathe the metal-sheathed material in ordinary white light, which contains all wavelengths of visible light (including red, blue, and green).
In infrared light, shorter wavelengths look blue, and longer wavelengths appear red.
On the flipside, amber and red light can be used to block out blue light to help relieve insomnia and overstimulation.
That gives it the opportunity to absorb, and thus convert into electricity, most of the red light falling on it, as well as the blue.
Think about a light bulb; if you apply a current, the filament gets hot and begins to give off light of different colors - red then yellow then blue.
Red, Blue and Green light are created when they are divided out from the unity or oneness they experience together as white light.
During pairing, red light and blue light flash alternatively. If pairing failed, blue light will flash once per 2 seconds.
It is an important term in photography to denote the quality of a light source. Sources rich in red light have a low colour temperature and sources rich in blue light have a high colour temperature.
A starlike object that has a large red shift and emits powerful blue light and often radio waves.
So, the relative emission intensity of blue light and red light of the glass should be controlled by different alkaline ions.
For full color display, the tricolors, red, green and blue (RGB) light emitting have been investigated intensively.
For full color display, the tricolors, red, green and blue (RGB) light emitting have been investigated intensively.