Blue and white is the classic colour combination for bathrooms. It always looks smart and will never date.
You can see the red handkerchiefs knotted round their throats, and their shirt-fronts blue and white between the open waistcoats.
The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.
The clothes with blue and white squares.
Ford Ford English Ford logo is the word used, blue and white.
This rule makes the text yellow, but it also gives it a blue and white background.
Fresh and Crisp The sharp , classicbo of blue and white is a perennial crowd-pleaser.
Its color is only blue and white two - day, one of blue achromatic effect of the best.
Every few blocks, there are these little blue and white canvas kiosks that sell soft drinks.
"Beneath the blue and white Wal-Mart sign at Green Acres, the entrance doors opened a crack."
The 34 and 37 are the Bash escape codes for specifying the colors blue and white, respectively.
He couldn't find a glass, so he'd used a mug with blue and white stripes and tea stains inside it.
Show your geeky side with these hand-written scientific equations on blue and white graph paper.
"Blue and white pipes, " Brombergsaid. "This is what water theft looks like in this part of the world."
A giant "blue and white porcelain tea pot" made of snow was unveiled in a street in Yaroslavl, Russia, on March 2.
Blue and white. Now I have some questions for you. Who told you about 311, and why are you coming to New York City?
Tidy green lawn with blue and white hydrangeas lining the house. Favourite potted plants on either side of the front door.
T 平整,翠绿的草坪,蓝白相间的绣球花整齐的摆在房子一侧,前门的另一侧是主人最爱的盆栽植物。
I have a thing for blue and white China in any shape or form; I think it may be a lifetime thing, as my collection is continually growing!
Singh, dressed in an olive-green shirt and a white turban, then threw his blue and white sneaker at Chidambaram, narrowly missing his face.
Part of the lyrics "Blue and White Porcelain" vocalized by Taiwan pop star Jay Chou were picked out for students to inspect grammar faults earlier this week.
Thirdly, concerning art meaning of Modern Blue and White expects to find out the culture meaning and deep art value behind the material of Blue and White.
The pavilion, resembling a huge blue and white porcelain container, depicts the peculiar charm of Jiangxi as home to a myriad of talents and natural resources.
When Air Force One and other planes in the iconic blue and white color scheme were on stops at Air Force bases around the country, the wing invited service members to come take a look.
The blue and white ones are from a salvage yard mixed with ones I've made, and the stunning floral tiles and the tiles that look like old postcards are from Welbeck tiles - love them.
蓝白相间的是从废旧物品丢弃点找到的,还有一些是我自己做的。那些看起来想明信片一样的印花瓷砖来自Welbeck Tiles,我很喜欢。
Though the building is 50 miles from the Pacific Ocean and well beyond the reach of killer tidal waves, a blue and white metal sign at its entrance says "Entering Tsunami Hazard Zone."
He has on his jeans and a long-sleeved blue denim shirt with a white T-shirt underneath.
As tall as Jack, Hensley was thinner, more compact under a perfectly tailored suit and white Egyptian cotton shirt, a tie of cornflower blue.
After climbing up a hill for a panoramic view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.
After climbing up a hill for a panoramic view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.