Wireless minicam and Bluetooth headset.
So you can charge a Bluetooth headset or Android phone.
Music playback: up to 35 h, up to 19.5 (with a Bluetooth headset).
Have a look behind the figures, why not? Mirror with a Bluetooth headset.
Voice controlled Bluetooth headset with smooth, rich voice and mega loud audio.
Sales Production Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth adapter, and other communications products.
Many users do not realize that these Bluetooth adapters can be used with a Bluetooth headset.
Bluetooth headset disconnects when Wireless Keyboard is disconnected from the phone automatically.
Corrects issue where the speakers do not emit sound after a call is picked up by a Bluetooth headset.
Its features include: voice controlled Bluetooth headset with smooth, rich voice and mega loud audio.
We also show you how you can configure Lotus Sametime Connect V7.5 to use a Bluetooth headset adapter.
The main task is to research and implement Bluetooth Handsfree Profile and Bluetooth Headset Profile.
The bottom line: The Sound ID 300 is a great Bluetooth headset with good audio quality and ear comfort.
I lost a Broadway Bluetooth Headset 288 yuan, an increase of 198 had washed the Panasonic electric shaver.
It will support email, web browsing and text messaging, and users will be able to make calls using a Bluetooth headset.
Using a Bluetooth headset, a driver can keep his or her hands on the steering wheel without getting tangled in wires.
The new Jawbone Bluetooth headset is finished in a choice of colors to suit your mood, and features a brushed metal finish.
After you enter the passkey, you should see that your Bluetooth headset is paired with your computer as demonstrated in figure 6.
If you are using a Bluetooth headset, just enable the appropriate option and the application will be disabled at the right time.
You can use the Test audio locally facility to make sure your Bluetooth headset is working properly with the Lotus Sametime client.
Depending upon the type of Bluetooth headset and adapter you have, the range of your wireless connection can be from one meter to up to 100 meters.
Depending upon the range of your Bluetooth headset, you can walk around while voice chatting with your contacts across the world using Lotus Sametime.
Whenever possible, use the speaker-phone mode or a wireless Bluetooth headset, which has less than 1/100th of the electromagnetic emission of a normal cell phone.
So the design of Bluetooth devices application testing system is proposed in this paper, and an application testing system of Bluetooth headset devices is implemented.
It might be feasible to clone the connection between a Bluetooth headset and phone so an eavesdropper could connect to the phone while its owner was briefly out of earshot.
I first noticed the problem a few weeks ago and was sure that my Bluetooth headset was to blame, but we've since gotten multiple reports that other users have had the same problem.
Jawbone ICON is the only Bluetooth headset with a voice Activity Sensor (VAS) that actually feels your speech, which helps Jawbone ICON distinguish your voice from background noise.
Next, consider the examples of a Bluetooth CF card, a Bluetooth USB adapter, a device with a built-in CSR Bluetooth chipset, and a Sony Bluetooth Headset to see how they work with Linux.
下一步,考虑BluetoothCF卡、BluetoothUSB适配器、具有内置CSR Bluetooth芯片组的设备以及Sony Bluetooth耳机的示例,了解它们在Linux 下是如何工作的。
Better yet, with a Bluetooth headset and a computer equipped with Bluetooth capability, you can interact with your contacts using your voice without being coupled to your computer by wires.
Better yet, with a Bluetooth headset and a computer equipped with Bluetooth capability, you can interact with your contacts using your voice without being coupled to your computer by wires.