The Group has established a Board audit committee. The primary duties of the audit committee are to review and supervise our financial reporting process and internal controls.
The board will advise int, the World Bank President, and the Bank's Audit Committee on the operations of the unit, its performance, and interactions with other parts of the World Bank Group.
Mr Nasser has been on the board of BHP Billiton since 2006 as a non-executive director and is a member of the board's risk and audit committee.
At some Banks risk issues are handled perfectly well by the audit committee or the full board.
All Employees are obligated to immediately report observed violations of the Code and illegal or unethical behavior to supervisors or the Company's Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.
Moreover, most of the attention has been focused on boards of directors at companies that commit financial statement fraud (specifically, on the role of the audit committee of the board).
The Audit Committee shall report to the Board of Directors at least annually as to the nature of the complaints received, the resolution of complaints and the status of any outstanding complaints.
The Audit Committee shall report to the Board of Directors at least annually as to the nature of the complaints received, the resolution of complaints and the status of any outstanding complaints.