In the public service category, the Bristol, Virginia Herald Courier won for writing about the "murky mismanagement" of natural gas royalties owed to landowners, the board said.
From watching the video to building an electronic board and writing a program for it, Lin spent an entire month bringing Crazyer to life. His hard work paid off.
There was a chuckle of embarrassment, and Sam started writing yellow Post-It Notes for each of these new tasks and putting them on the white-board.
Blackboard is a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalk.
His writing has been recognized with a Minnesota State Arts Board Fellowship, which is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Disclosed is an eyesight protective writing board, which is in particular suitable for the use of the pupil.
Customer with personal body a contents for entering, looking into message, and in message board writing down from already leaving a message.
DP2000is a copolymer emulsion for surface sizing which produced by polymerization used to size many different types of paper, including offset paper, writing paper and coated board.
DP2000is a copolymer emulsion for surface sizing which produced by polymerization used to size many different types of paper, including offset paper, writing paper and coated board.