Gottschalk's board member Sharon Levy and her husband Joseph have been involved in the company for more than 20 years.
The BCCI appointed a board member to oversee their collection.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg and board member Peter Thiel aren't stopping there, either.
The board member reportedly offered help from officials in preparing a formal complaint.
As a recent board member, Whitman has the support of the board and is likely to act on its ideas.
GEO board member Norman Carlson served as the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons for 17 years.
You should, in your fiduciary duties as a board member, be trying to help them lower their taxes.
Mr. Okuda, then a board member, angled for a close aide, another nonfamily executive, to take the job.
Now, it is being suggested that Leo Apotheker may be out and new board member Meg Whitman may become CEO.
“Even Michelin and Bridgestone are small in China, ” says Hans-Joachim Nikolin, a board member at Continental.
该公司董事会成员Hans-Joachim Nikolin先生说:“即使是米其林和普利司通,在中国的规模也很小。”
The board of directors of the company may decide that a board member is to serve concurrently as the general manager.
"I don't like Michael Moore's movies. I don't like his message," said Al Bonney, 65, a Rotary Charities board member.
As a board member at both Citigroup, a big American bank, and Alcoa, an American aluminium firm, he is well connected.
I asked Shirley M. Hufstedler, an experienced corporate board member, how she thinks the presence of women changes a board.
我问过雪莉m .霍夫·斯特·德勒(Shirley M .Hufstedler),一位资深的企业董事会成员,关于她怎么看待女性给董事会带来的改变这一问题。
To SEE the future of Japanese business, says a board member of one of the country's biggest firms, look at the toy industry.
He remains a big soccer promoter, and is a board member of the team and an official with the Serbian Football Association.
If you are not selling a product or service you are selling a potential hire or another investor or board member or something.
"It's impossible for Greece, or almost any country, to carry debt that big," says former IMF executive board member Miranda Xafa.
Berkshire board member and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates owns 89,972 shares of Wesco stock, or about 1.3 percent of the company.
"None of us knew how ill she was over the last four and a half years," adds Estee Lauder (EL) board member Lynn Forester DE Rothschild.
雅诗兰黛(Estee Lauder)董事会成员琳恩•罗思柴尔德补充道:“在过去四年半中,我们都不知道她的病情有多重。”
"Marty created the wireless industry," says Tim McDonald, a former fund manager at Merrill Lynch and one-time board member at ArrayComm.
蒂姆·麦克唐纳曾任美林证券(Merrill Lynch)的基金管理人,也出任过arraycomm的董事会成员,他说:“马蒂缔造了无线通讯行业。”
“Marty created the wireless industry,” says Tim McDonald, a former fund manager at Merrill Lynch and one-time board member at ArrayComm.
蒂姆·麦克唐纳曾任美林证券(Merrill Lynch)的基金管理人,也出任过ArrayComm的董事会成员,他说:“马蒂缔造了无线通讯行业。
It has been suggested that, to fix governance at the beleaguered company, News Corp. board member Tom Perkins is shareholders' "best hope."
You can put the President on the board, you've got to go get at least two other board members and then we, as investors will bring one board member.
China's average housing prices have topped the world when compared to average incomes, Xie Guozhong, board member of Rosetta Stone Advisors said.
A board member of a multinational company who opposes the 40% quota said that bosses could simply appoint their wives or-more subtly-their girlfriends.
Ingenico sa gained 7.5 percent to 28 euros after board member and shareholder Allan Green said the sale of the company has been delayed rather than blocked.
In February, Jim Breyer, a board member and an early Facebook investor, told a German audience of techies that Facebook wouldn't be going public in 2010.
2月,Facebook公司的早期投资人、公司董事布雷耶(Jim Breyer)在德国对一帮由技术人士组成的听众说,Facebook公司2010年不会上市。
In February, Jim Breyer, a board member and an early Facebook investor, told a German audience of techies that Facebook wouldn't be going public in 2010.
2月,Facebook公司的早期投资人、公司董事布雷耶(Jim Breyer)在德国对一帮由技术人士组成的听众说,Facebook公司2010年不会上市。