The bobble detachment point of subcooled boiling was identified by visual method.
You'll also find the ball will curl and bobble in ways it simply hasn't done on this generation.
This doll comes with a bobble head to give you an authentic recreation of Cruise's couch moment on Oprah.
Squeeze full bobble of water through filter. Black dust will appear in first rinse. Don't worry, it's only carbon.
It can be as simple as bobble heads at a local minor league baseball game, and if they say the first 100 people get one free, suddenly those bobble heads are more appealing.
Before Spacey accepted his award, a glass bowl that he pretended to bobble as if he were going to drop the fragile prize, many of his famous colleagues paid tribute to the actor.
Don't they realize that if someone is smart enough to read a text, they're also capable of understanding what the little bobble head with the sound waves coming out of him symbolizes?
Don't they realize that if someone is smart enough to read a text, they're also capable of understanding what the little bobble head with the sound waves coming out of him symbolizes?