A short moment later I managed to drag my body through and get to the ladder.
Perched on a ladder against the compound wall, Kao Chung, a young male servant, extended a long bamboo pole with a string of bursting firecrackers dangling from one end, over the dragon's body.
While all the emotions was running around in my body I was at the same time looking for the short cut to the fire escape ladder that that me and Metal had found six months earlier.
A neighbor from the opposite building saw Niu Niu's body hanging out the window. A resident from the ninth floor tried to reach Niu Niu by using a ladder, but failed.
During this journey , the vision became slowly open up , think of a poem : " a grateful public clog foot , body board green ladder ."
The device combined with the rotary actuator, mesh belt, radiator, axial-flow fan, automatic controller and body. The mesh belt have three ladder configuration.
The device combined with the rotary actuator, mesh belt, radiator, axial-flow fan, automatic controller and body. The mesh belt have three ladder configuration.