The reality is, the girl that's ten pounds overweight but loves her body is winning against the girl who is underweight but hates herself.
Scientists have found that a key part of the brain which stops the body from acting on impulse -and gorging -does not function as well in those who are overweight or obese.
If you're flabby and overweight - in other words, totally dissatisfied with the condition of your body - always remember that you didn't get there overnight.
Encourage family and friends to refrain from using hurtful nicknames and joking about people who are overweight or have a large body frame.
Dietary fiber has different functions in our body; it would benefit overweight people as it gives the sense of satiety, and in turn lower their food intakes.
In one study of oral contraceptive pills, women with a body mass index (BMI) in the overweight range (a BMI of 25 or more) had a higher risk of pregnancy than those in the normal weight range.
有一项针对口服避孕药片开展的研究发现,体重指数(BMI)达到超重范围(BM I值等于或大于25)的女性比体重指数正常的女性更容易怀孕。
The task force recommends that children aged 6 to 18 have their body mass index - B.M.I. - measured and, if they are found to be overweight, be referred to a weight-loss program.
In the December issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the researchers report that nearly 25 percent of overweight and 16 percent of normal weight reproductive-age women misperceive their body weight.
Some 70 percent of the women had body mass indexes (BMIs) of 25 or more, making them overweight or obese.
70%的受访者体质指数(bodymassindexes (BMIs))在25或25以上,为体重超标或肥胖。
Dr Rebecca Hardy, the council's program leader on body size, said: "Once people become overweight, they continue relentlessly upwards." They hardly ever go back down.
WHO defines overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) equal to or more than 25, and obesity as a BMI equal to or more than 30.
Experts on pregnancy denial say most sufferers are either sufficiently overweight or experience such little body change that they simply assume they've gained some weight.
But several demographic studies have shown that even women just considered "overweight," with a body mass index of 25-30, may also be at increased risk of contraceptive failure.
Outgoing people tend to be overweight, while anxious types are more likely to be thin, according to Japanese researchers who examined the links between personality and body mass.
Scientists have found that a key part of the brain which stops the body from acting on impulse - and gorging - does not function as well in those who are overweight or obese.
Scientists shave found that a key part of the brain which stops the body from acting on impulse and gorging does not function as well in those who are overweight or obese.
Being overweight can bring many health problems, including type 2 diabetes, which can cause nerve damage throughout the body. If that affects the nerves affecting the penis, ED can result.
When you look at your overweight body, admit that you really want to be fit and healthy.
These findings were particularly true for women who have negative views of their current body image and believe themselves to be overweight.
If ideal body weight is determined to be 120 pounds and a patient weighs 270 pounds, the patient is 150 pounds overweight, and a weight loss of 75 pounds or half of this excess is considered success.
People are considered morbidly obese when their body mass index is at 40 or above, usually about 100 pounds overweight.
Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements that relate weight and height showed that 23 per cent of the children were overweight and 2 per cent clinically obese.
These results held true even if a woman was not generally overweight, as determined by body mass index.
Objective To examine the effect of community-based health education and health promotion on body mass index (BMI), overweight and obesity.
Scientists shave found that a key part of the brain which stops the body from acting on impulse - and gorging - does not function as well in those who are overweight or obese.
The affected individual has a distorted body image, perceiving self as globally overweight or obsessing about shape and size of particular body parts.
If you are overweight, more strain is put on areas of the body that are already swollen.
If you are overweight, more strain is put on areas of the body that are already swollen.