In this article, a dewar for this superconducting magnet system is mainly described and experimental results about boil-off rate of the LHe under the condition of rotation and vibration is presented.
Srinivas Garimella at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta is developing a system in which external heat is used to boil off ammonia vapour from a solution.
To arrest this process, don't overcook, and place the eggs in cold water as soon as they are off the boil.
In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and blanch the vegetables very briefly, just long enough to take the raw edge off, no more than a minute.
Now boil it for 4 hours until the meat goes off the bones.Then add carrot, garlic, onion and boil for another 30 minutes.
All the water could boil off and be lost forever, or the warming planet could experience a "runaway greenhouse" effect and end up a scorched wasteland like Venus.
Water in the core began to boil off, raising the temperature and pressure inside the massive steel containment vessel.
The housing market is already coming off the boil.
For example, hard “boiled” eggs can be made by placing the eggs in a covered pot of water, bringing it to a full boil, then turning off the burner.
The pool cooling water must be continuously circulated. Without circulation, the still thermally hot irradiated nuclear fuel in the storage pools will begin to boil off the cooling water.
There are already signs that the German economy may be coming off the boil. Manufacturing orders fell in March.
It's still 'warm' enough, relatively speaking, to make the 'dry ice' of the polar ice caps boil off.
When you boil water it gives off steam.
For keeping tank pressure in design range, some of boil off gas need to be released form tank through boil off gas treatment system in order to control tank pressure.
It was also assumed that the heat of this impact would have caused any water, or its constituent elements, to boil off into space, leaving the baby moon high and dry.
When you boil water, it gives off steam.
The purpose is to boil off the liquid refrigerant from the oil by heating and agitating the mixture of oil and refrigerant in the oil sump.
Electrons will actually boil off the cathode and accelerate across.
Pour in the prepared sauce and the stock. Bring to a boil. Return the beef and onion to the skillet. Stir for about 1 minute until cooked. Dish off.
He let them sit and boil without saying a word. About twenty minutes later, he turned off the burners.
The desiccant can be reused simply by heating it up to boil off the water it's absorbed.
When you boil water it gives off steam.
After their quarrel, Jim and Mary found that their relationship had gone off the boil, and they were never again as loving as they had been.
Now boil it for 4 hours until the meat goes off the bones. Then add carrot, garlic, onion and boil for another 30 minutes.
Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes and then drain off the water.
When he went home, he asked his disciples to boil mutton, chilies and other ingredients with medicinal properties for fending off cold in a pot.
Galvanized sheet is readily spot- or seam-welded, but arc gas welding will boil off the zinc coating.
Galvanized sheet is readily spot- or seam-welded, but arc gas welding will boil off the zinc coating.