The boiling steel from smelting until the steel mold, toughness, ferrosilicon or aluminum deoxidation.
The red Sea, full of Jin bo, like a red steel furnace boiling, gushing out, Jin Guangyao eyes.
The transient temperature field at surface of a stainless steel micro-tube, in which flow boiling of water occurs, is measured by the Infrared Radiometer.
We can vent right through steel plates and cool tools with gas or boiling (yes, boiling) water.
Heat with 500cc ~ 600cc water in stainless steel or container, keep boiling with mild fire for another 15 minutes to serve.
水煮:请使用不锈钢或或玻璃制的锅壶,每一包加入约500cc ~ 600cc的水,待水沸后改小火再煮15分钟即可饮用。
Heat with 500cc ~ 600cc water in stainless steel or container, keep boiling with mild fire for another 15 minutes to serve.
水煮:请使用不锈钢或或玻璃制的锅壶,每一包加入约500cc ~ 600cc的水,待水沸后改小火再煮15分钟即可饮用。