The bold lines represent blocking operations.
The bold lines are the ones that needed to be uncommented.
See picture for an example: visible walls inside the labyrinth are drawn with bold lines.
The bold lines in the Listing 1 template will be replaced by actual data when the templating engine runs.
Note that from the above code snippet, the bold lines are not necessary if we intend to supply our own JDBC connection.
The bold lines in Listing 4 show the web.xml code (in the dd directory of the code distribution), that protects the application.
清单4中的粗体行显示了保护应用程序的web. xml代码(在代码分发包的dd目录中)。
The highlight is clear, and the background features very bold lines, which provides a cascading three-dimensional appearance.
The wet ink become smoky at some turning points of the bold lines, which the artist sees as an occasion that could not be repeated.
Now, a word about placeholder substitution: Velocity will print any unrecognized reference as plain text, as illustrated by the next two bold lines in Listing 6.
Have a look at the bold lines I agree with you and you said it is tricky I would say no it is not tricky but I would say it is not clear it is not well presented, why?
However, if you specify a border, it may contain a double strike of bold lines at the bottom of the box, along the x axis line (Cosmetically, this wouldn't look right.).
The bold lines and stark silhouettes of the resulting craft were departures from the polished craftsmanship of personalized styles that marked the final Republic era.
There's not much to repurposing our upload form for Blobstore: just copy datastore.jsp to a file named blobstore.jsp, then augment it with the bold lines of code shown in Listing 13
我们不需要重复地为Blobstore 创建上传表单:我们只需要将datastore.jsp 复制为一个名为Blobstore.jsp文件,然后增加清单 13 所示的粗体代码
He promised "bold and swift" action to revive the economy: building roads and Bridges, electric grids and digital lines.
The bold black lines absorb more energy than the rest of the material, causing the plastic to contract — creating a hinge that folds the sheets into 3-d shapes.
To modify the getCalulator()method, add two lines of code shown in bold in Listing 8.
Listing 15 shows the modified batch file, with the additional JVM trace configuration lines shown in bold.
NOTE: the lines in bold show how to define types and namespace to interact with the Lotus Connections portlet in a WSDL file.
Others are bold, such as electrifying more track (only a third of Britain’s railway is electrified, low by Western standards) and building lines in crowded cities.
The two lines in bold in Listing 3 shouldn't actually break this way, but our display width is limited.
A plastic sheet is printed with bold black lines and then placed under an infrared lamp.
The paintings add splashes of bold colors that liven up the design with motion, breaking up the simple lines and simple palette.
To explore tables, start the Lua interpreter and type the lines shown in bold in Listing 1.
Simplicity reigns as clean lines and bold structural elements manifest into an elegant design.
Great attention has been paid to replicate the bold styling cues, gleaming chrome accents, flowing body lines and stunning two-tone paint job of the legendary original.
Even spaced rhythms pulse and echo in intriguing patterns as lead lines, bold and expressive, seem to speak directly to the listener.
Whatever the style, it should be consistent-if some of your ICONS use bold black lines and rounded corners while others use thin, angular lines, the visual style won't hold together.
The figure, painted with smooth lines and bold strokes, is merciful and smiling, and the expressive looks reveal the great grace and universal love of Buddhism.
A bold grille, large jeweled headlamps and crisply executed character lines gives the Accord a commanding presence more in line with European luxury models.
A bold grille, large jeweled headlamps and crisply executed character lines gives the Accord a commanding presence more in line with European luxury models.